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Energy capacity of modern technology for growing grapes and basic agricultural crops

The study aims to conduct an objective analysis of the eff ectiveness of modern technology of industrial grape plantations cultivation, to compare them with similar costs for cultivation of other agricultural crops considering the modern global trend.
Planting prepared rootstocks in a permanent place, according to the scheme, followed by their grafting with the desired variety on the spot can be an option to the traditional technology of growing grafted seedlings and planting grape  plantations. The introduction of alternative technology, using modern mobile tools (secateurs for grafting components on site, aquosorbents, biological adhesives), reduces fi nancial сost by 15.9 % and the cost of chemical and man-made energy by 71.7 % at the stage of growing grafted planting material grapes. It also provides for cost reduce for creation of its industrial plantations.
The analysis of the eff ectiveness of traditional technology for growing grafted planting material shows that the technology is too burdensome for the industry and needs signifi cant revision in order to signifi cantly reduce fi nancial, resource and energy costs, to use natural energy fl ows more effi ciently. In general, the same applies to the technology of creation and productive cultivation of industrial grape plantations. Saving
and further development of the industry, increasing the profi tability of viticulture, reducing anthropogenic pressure on the environment are possible on the basis of new, non-traditional energy-saving technologies for the creation of industrial plantations and their productive cultivation.
Key words: energy indicators, energy intensity of cultivation, analysis of energy effi ciency, planting material, cultivation technology, industrial grape plantations.

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