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Energy assessment of the cultivation of different winter wheat varieties in the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine, dependence on the predecessors
In recent years, the whole world and Ukraine in particular have faced an energy crisis, which is accompanied by gradually increasing energy expenses in crop production. The production of an additional harvest unit requires ever-increasing investments of energy. The carriers of this energy are not only organic and mineral fertilizers, but also all the factors of soil fertility, which actively influence the crop growth and productivity formation. Therefore, the optimal energy use and its assessment in the context of constantly growing rate of agricultural production is an urgent problem in today’s farming practices.
In the three-factor field trial there were investigated the following predecessors of winter wheat (factor A): peas (control), silage corn, soybean (early ripening), buckwheat, winter rape; winter wheat varieties (factor B): Poliska 90 (control); Podolianka; Myronivska 65; Smuglianka and seeding rate of germinating seeds (factor C): 4; 4.5 (control); 5 and 5.5 million pcs./ha.
The area of seedling plots was 60 m2 with the record area of 50 m2, the repetition was treble. The trial was performed with the help of the split plot method. The technology of winter wheat growing used was the generally accepted one for the zone (ISO 3768: 2010).
The methodological basis of the ecological and technological energy balance assessment in winter wheat growing was the energy equivalents of agricultural products and the permanent and circulating assets of the crop production.
The aims and objectives of the research are in establishing the patterns of the energy efficient variation of winter wheat under different predecessors and varieties in the right-bank forest-steppe zone of Ukraine.
Energy efficiency of crop production is calculated by dividing the energy intensity of the grown products (Ep) on costs non-renewable energy for its production (Ec), GJ / ha, which is called the energy efficiency coefficient (Cee = Ep / Ec).
The results of the trial were assessing the various predecessors and winter wheat varieties on the energy efficiency impact rate in the course of its growth in the right-bank forest-steppe zone of Ukraine. It was found that the most energy-efficient predecessor for the winter wheat cultivation is buckwheat, which provides an indicator of Cee 3.44 at the control level.
The cultivation of the variety Smuglianka was accompanied by energy efficiency increase of grain production of winter wheat by 37.9 % compared to the control Poliska 90.
The summarized results of the analysis of the winter wheat energy balance, the average for all the sample plots have shown rather high energy efficiency rate which was Cee = 3.13.
The predecessors studied in the trial differed significantly in terms of energy efficiency. On the average during the period of the trial, the highest energy values were observed when winter wheat was grown after buckwheat (Cee = 3.44), but this was not statistically different from control variant – pea (Cee = 3.34). Winter wheat grown after silage maize was the worst producer of energy due to the lowest crop yield which in the context of increasing production costs led to Cee = 2,86 (-14,4 % of control).
The energy efficiency rate when growing wheat after winter oilseed rape and soybean was also significantly inferior to the control, which was proved by the decrease in Cee 6.3 and 11.7 %, due to the decreased energy production accumulated.
As to the winter wheat varieties studied in the trial the most energy efficient variety was Smuglianka. Its Cee was 3.71, which was significantly higher by 37.9 % compared to the control variety Poliska 90. On the plots with the varieties Podolianka and Myronivska 65 the energy efficiency coefficients of winter wheat cultivation were 3.05 and 3.11 accordingly, which were higher than in the control variant by 13.4 % and 15.6 %.
Assessing the effect of the combination of the studied factors, it should be noted that the highest energy efficiency rate Cee = 3.98 was established in the growth of the variety Smuglianka after buckwheat. The nearest results were observed in the same variety grown after peas, with Cee = 3.83.
Key words: energy efficiency, winter wheat, predecessor, variety.
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