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Elements of technology for a sugar beet growing efficiency assessment
Assessment of the effectiveness of using complex microfertilizers for control the chemical stress of herbicide-inflicted to sugar beet plants is represented in the article.
The use of micronutrients is an effective way to increase the profitability of sugar beet. This is achieved by a small and low cost of the required dose of drugs, and the impact on productivity of sugar beet is significant. One aspect of this impact is the ability of micronutrients to counter chemical herbicide plant stress tasks.
The purpose of the research is to assess economic efficiency of micronutrients as a means to eliminate the stress caused by herbicide to sugar beet plants.
Studies were conducted during 2014 – 2016 on the experimental field of the Institute of crops bioenergy and sugar beet, in Ksaverivka village of Vasylkiv district of Kiev region. Crops spraying was done in the early phase of leaves closing in rows. Productivity, cost-effectiveness of interventions was determined by the "Methodology of Research in beet".
It has been found out that sugar beet plants processing in the phase of the leaves closing in the rows with microfertilizer Alfa-Grou-Extra and the herbicide Betanal Progress OF at the rate of 1 l per ha gives the highest yield of hybrid the ‘Impact’ – 100.1 t/ha, and that of the ‘Bulava’ under using Alfa-Grou-Extra + Betanal Progress OF at the rate of 1.2 l per ha – 101.6 t per ha.
The accumulation of sugar in the roots is affected by the dose of herbicide and fertilizer used. Both hybrids had the lowest sugar content in the variant with Betanal Progress OF at the rate of 1.4 l per ha: Impact had 16.8 %, Bulava – 16.9 %, and the best productivity was revealed under using Alfa-Grow Extra + Betanal Progress OF at the rate of 1.2 l per ha – 18.6 % and 18.3 %. Calculation of sugar accumulation showed that the highest productivity of sugar in Impact is 18.3 t per ha, Bulava has 18,8 t per ha can be obtained on the background of Alfa-Grow Extra + Betanal Progress OF at the rate of 1,2 l per ha.
So for the cultivation of hybrid ‘Impact’ define profitability against a background of using fertilizers Micro-Mineralis is 57,7 % (in the composition of the Betanal Progress OF in the amount of 1 l per ha). While in variant with using Alfa-Grow-Extra the highest profitability was got in the version compatible with the use of Betanal Progress OF 1 l per ha – 63.7 %, which is on 14 % higher than the control variant (55.9 %). This can be explained by the fact that fertilizers have different content (%) of nutrients. Micro-Mineralis total complex containing 16.6% active ingredients and Alfa-Grow Extra – 22 %, which explains its greater efficiency.
Based on the analysis, it was determined that the most economically profitable (profitability indicator is 78.0 %) was to grow Bulava hybrid with using complex Alfa-Grou-Extra fertilizer for foliar nutrition in the phase of leaves closing in rows at a rate of 2.5 l per ha to overcome chemical stress caused by herbicide applying.
Key words: sugar beet, chemical stress, complex fertilizers, herbicides, profitability.
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