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Elements of crop structure and biological productivity depending on the technology of growing winter wheat seeds
The peculiarities of the formation of the elements of the crop structure and the biological yield of winter wheat seeds depending on the genotype and different technologies of its cultivation have been clarified.
The formation of winter wheat seed yield depends on the elements of the crop structure, namely: the number of plants, productive stems, grains in an ear and the mass of grain from one ear. It was found that with the basic technology of growing seeds, in an average of three years of mid-early and mid-ripening varieties, no significant difference was found with the coefficient of tillering and the mass of grains from the ear. At the same time, there was a tendency to increase the coefficient of productive tillering and the mass of grains from ears of medium-ripe varieties. The highest coefficient of productive tillering (1.4) was in the Astarta variety, which provided the largest number of productive stems (498 pcs./m2), and the weight of grains in the ear of this variety was the smallest (1.4 g), while the seed yield was 6.97 t/ha and was significantly less than other varieties. A similar dependence was observed for the cultivation of mid-early ripening varieties. With the largest number of productive stalks (436 pcs./m2), the mass of grains in an ear was the smallest (1.6 g) of the Boria variety and, accordingly, the biological yield of seeds was significantly lower compared to other varieties of this maturity group. The dec-rease in the number of productive stalks contributed to a significant increase in the mass of grains from the ear and biological productivity. The use of energy-rich technology ensured a reliable increase in the biological productivity of varieties of both maturity groups, compared to the basic one. The coefficient of bushing and the number of productive stems were higher in medium-ripening varieties, which, in combination with agrotechnological measures – increased doses of fertilizers both in the main and in top dressing, protection of crops from diseases (twice treatment of crops with fungicides) ensured obtaining a reliable higher yield, which on average varieties, which amounted to 7.60 t/ha or was 0.17 t/ha more than that of mid-early ripening varieties. The use of biological technology for growing winter wheat seeds ensured the highest biological yield of seeds of all varieties of both maturity groups, compared to both basic and energy-rich technologies. On average, over three years, medium-ripening varieties provided significantly higher biological seed yield compared to medium-early-ripening ones.
With the biological cultivation technology, with the application of trace elements and growth stimulants, a greater number of productive stems was obtained due to a higher coefficient of productive bushing, which was the same for varieties within each maturity group, which ensured a significantly higher biological yield of seeds, compared to the basic and energyrich technologies. The biological yield of winter wheat seeds depended both on the coefficient of productive tillering, the number of productive stems and the weight of grains from one ear, as well as on varietal characteristics. Varieties of different maturity groups responded differently to seed growing technologies.
Key words: crop structure, productive stems, tillering coefficient, grain mass, maturity group.
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