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The effect of the sewage sludge of treatment plants on the main phenotypic characteristics of the wheat
Using of mineral fertilizers for wheat growing is the basic element of wheat growing technology. At the same time it is known that mineral fertilizers contain heavy metals which create ecological problems. Our researches on determination of agricultural chemistry features of sewage sludge enabled to examine it as an alternative to the mineral fertilizers.
The fertilizers are one of basic resources to increase the productivity of agricultural production. But insufficient national backlogs of mineral fertilizers and limited application of organic fertilizers require the searching of new optimal ways of terms of plants feed and recreation of soils fertility. In addition the production of mineral fertilizers has huge negative influence on the environment, such as harmful matters in the air and in the water, huge energy consumption and resources consumption, greenhouse gases and ect.
For example the production of 1 ton of ammoniac saltpeter is using 787 kg concentrated aquafortis, 3,7 kg concentrated sulphate acid, 214 kg concentrated gaseous ammonia, 0,8 м3 water of and 31 kW/hour electro power.
Therefore the use of local raw materials is expedient for making untraditional organic fertilizers. Such as using sewage sludge of treatment plants compensates the entering of organic matter to soil, allows to increase the production of agricultural goods and decreases technogenic influence on an environment. The sewage sludge has individual chemical composition. Its are new and while insufficiently known, that why we need get more information about its using.
We researched the agricultural chemistry features of sewage sludge and its influence, as organic and mineral fertilizers, on the height of spring wheat of variety Izolda and Myronivchanka in the vegetation conditions and winter wheat of variety Podolianka in the field conditions during 2012-2013.
The agricultural chemistry researches of moist and dry sewage sludge were conducted in the certificated laboratory of the Kyiv regional project-scientific station of chemistry in agriculture. It follows notices, that organic compounds, high maintenance of phosphorus, general nitrogen, potassium, neutral reaction show the high nourishing value of these fertilizers from the agronomical point of view.
We studied influence of different doses of sewage sludge on the height of winter and spring wheat in the field and vegetation experiments in 2012-2013.
The variety Izolda and Myronivchanka of spring wheat had a height 89,1 cm and 92,5 cm in variant where using sewage sludge in the dose of 20 tons/hectare.
Such spring wheat of variety as Izolda characterized by the less height, than plants of variety Myronivchanka. It is related to their different in physical and chemistry description. The plants of variety Podolianka of winter wheat got better results in variant where used 10 tons/hectare of sewage sludge (autumn using - 73,8 cm and spring using - 80,5 cm).
Previous researches enable to conclude, that the use of sewage sludge assists activation of growing processes of winter and spring wheat and becomes obvious to examine sewage sludge as a separate type of organic and mineral fertilizers and as an alternative mineral fertilizers, the production of which is chemically dangerous for the environmental.
Key words: sewage sludge, winter wheat, spring wheat, height of the plant.
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