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The effect of microfertilizers and growth regulators on lentil yield
Lentils is the most widespread legume crop in the world. According to the FAO data, the crop area is 4.2 million hectares, and the gross tax has reached a level of 4.6 million tons. In Ukraine, the producers get rather insignificant and unstable yield of lentil every year: 1.2 t/ha in 2015, 1.7-2.2 t/ha in 2016, due to the influence of a number of factors.
In view of rather imperfect technology of the crop growing it is important, in our opinion, to improve the elements of lentil growing technology in order to obtain high and stable yields in production conditions.
The aim of the research was to study the influence of the terms of sowing, microfertilizers and growth regulators on lentil yield.
The research was carried out at the Uladovo-Lyulinetsky experimental breeding station of the Institute of Bioenergetic Crops and Sugar Beet of NAAS (Kalynivsky District, Vinnytsia Region) during 2015-2017.
Linza lentil variety was sown in two terms: April 22, 2015, April 20, 2016, April 19, 2017 – the first one; May 12, 2017, May 19, 2016, May 11, 2017 – the second one. Quantum-Bobovi and Reakom-SR-Bobovi microfertilizers, Stimpo and Regoplant growth regulators were used in the phase of plant budding.
Special techniques and general research were used during the studies, cultivation technology was common for the region.
Lentil yield depends on many factors with weather conditions among them., the yield level varies over the years along with the fluctuation in precipitation. It should be noted that, the lowest level of productivity of plants is obtained in the year with the lowest rainfall and vice versa.
The article highlights the figures for lentil productivity in the research years. It was found out that the high yields on average during the research were observed under Stimpo growth regulator use – 2.37 t/ha for in the sowing period 1, and in the variants of a combination of microfertilizers and growth regulators Quantum-Bobovi + Regoplant and Reakom-SR-Bobovi + Stimpo – 2.02 t/ha. Some less effect was caused by the use of Reakom-CP-Bobovi – 2.20 t/ha for the sowing period 1 and in the control variant for the sowing period 2 – 1.78 t/ha. Analysis of the productivity indicators of the sowing terms, it can be concluded that the averaged yield data for the sowing term 2 are much lower than the ones for the sowing term 1. The only exception is under the use of Stimpo growth regulator and the combination of Quantum-Bobovi + Regoplant – for the second planting period, a higher yield is observed for sowing term 2, respectively, by + 1.0 % and 6.3 %.
The analysis of the influence lentil productivity formation factors during the research period shows a significant influence of sowing terms (23 %) and the weather conditions (18 %) on the productivity formation Growth regulators and microfertilizers predetermine the formation of lentil seed yield level by 13.0 %, and the share of the factors interaction ranges 7-9 %.
Key words: lentil, sowing term, microfertilizers, growth regulators, yield.
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