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Effect of heterosis a degree of phenotype prevailing at F1 hybrids of winter rape
The displaying of heterosis is educed by the structural elements of the winter rape productivity at the hybrids of first generation. The degree of dominant and heterosis effect of F1 hybrids is certain. The best hybrid combinations were selected, for the quantity of branches of the first order, pod length and quantity of seed in a pod, which areof interest for further work. Most first-order branches formed in the hybrid combinations Taurus х Black Giant -10,3 ± 0,9 units. Compared with parental forms (Taurus -6,6 ± 0,3 pcs., Black Giant -6,1 ± 0,5 pcs.). The degree of phenotypic dominance (hp) is 15.8, a hypothetical heterosis -62.2 %, real heterosis -56.1 %. The highest heterosis effect found in combination crossing Alioth х Helium. Length pod in hybrid F1 was 7,5 ± 0,9 cm, compared to the parental forms (6,7 ± 0,1 cm and 6,3 ± 0,1 cm). The degree of phenotypic dominance (hp) was 5.0, hypothetical heterosis -15.4 %, real heterosis -11.9 %. The highest heterosis effect by the number of seeds in a pod found in combination crossing Helium х Pioneer. Number of seeds in a pod in this hybrid F1was 36,1 ± 1,3 pcs., significantly higher for parental forms (22,9 ± 0,7 and 20,4 ± 0,7 pcs.). The degree of phenotypic dominance (hp) was -8.0, hypothetical heterosis -46.0 %, real heterosis -38.0 %.
Key words: winter rape, effect of heterosis, degree of the phenotype prevailing, quantity of of branches of thefirst order, pod length, quantityof seed in a pod.
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