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The effect of the concentration of the mutagen on spring barley genotypes economic characters

Determination of optimal doses and mutagens concentrations providing the maximum amount of useful mutations is an essential element of  research. Therefore, an important step in genetic-breeding work is the study of the physiological effects on M1 crops growth and development and determination of  the degree of mutagens toxicity, the establishment of optimal and critical doses, reaction of specific genotypes to mutagenic action for the purpose of rational use of minimum sampling of the source material with maximum efficiency of the obtained results.

The aim of the research was to determine the influence of the concentration of mutagen in M1 crops generation of spring barley on the performance of the germination energy, seeds germination, length of embryonic roots. To determine the effect of concentration of mutagen and genotype on the formation of economically valuable traits in M1, M2 generation.

The study material was varieties of spring barley Svyatogor (Ukraine) and Pek (Czech Republic). The experiments were carried out in 2015-2016. Spring barley variety seeds were soaked in a solution of hydroxylamine mutagen at a concentration of 1.0; 0.5 and 0.1 %, and in water, the exposure time was 18 hours. For control 1 we took  dry seeds, for control 2 – seeds soaked in water.

The effect of chemical mutagens on the viability is more pronounced at the initial stages of  plant growth. We examined the criteria of the crop sensitivity to the mutagens: field germination and germination energy of barley seeds under laboratory conditions.

According to the results obtained, indexes of crops germination and sprouting decreased with increasing concentration of mutagen. The highest degree of the damaging effect was observed under applying hydroxylamine at the concentration of 1.0 % in Pek variety – germination energy was 36.4 %, sprouting – 45.0 % (compared to the control – 84.0-90.0 %). Svyatohor variety revealed a higher resistance to the damaging effects of the mutagen (germination energy 80.0-85.0 % compared to the control – 92.0 -95.0 %).

Our data indicate that chemical mutagens penetrating into the cells of the embryo with water when the seeds are soaked, inhibit vital enzymes and inhibit the growth of embryonic roots. The effect of the same mutagen was manifested differently in different genotypes. Hdroxylamine mutagen at 1.0 % concentration caused a decrease in the length of the roots up to 55.5 mm vs 71.3 mm in control in  Svyatohor variety. In Pek variety roots length reduced to 28.4 mm compared to the control (58.6 mm).

The activity of mutagens was not the same in different genotypes. Decrease in roots length was observed in Svyatohor variety with the increase in mutagen concentration. The activity of the mutagen hydroxylamine was stronger in Pek variety and had the highest degree of inhibitory action.

Mutagens affect some quantitative traits (stem height, length of spike, number of grains from the main spike) in M1 which is the criterion of sensitivity of varieties to a particular chemical mutagen. It is found out that with increased concentration of mutagen all changes all indicators, the strength of the suppression depends on the concentration of mutagen and genotype. All concentrations of hydroxylamine mutagen influenced by the elements of the structure of Svyatohor variety crops insignificantly. Pek variety is more sensitive to mutagenic factors, significant changes of signs are revealed.

It is found out that the decrease of biometric indicators of crops growth and development depends mainly on the concentration of the mutagen. Strong and medium relation of certain concentrations of the mutagen and indicators of the studied traits inhibition and the yield of modified M2forms are revealed.

It is found out that germination and survival rates are informative in the first stage while in the structural analysis results important areplant height, length of main spike, number of grains in the main ear, grain weight of main ear. It is recommended to use indicators of depression of these signs as a criteria when planning the volumes of the selection.

Key words: spring barley, hydroxylamine, concentration, germination energy, germination rate, embryonic roots, valuable traits, M1, M2 generation.



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