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Effect of biological preparations on the productivity of winter wheat under organic farming

The use of biological preparations and biofertilizers is an alternative to chemical fertilizers, pesticides, which violate natural circulation of substances, adversely affect biota and natural environment. Therefore the aim of our research was to determine the effect of biological preparations on the yield and quality of winter wheat under organic farming.

The studies were conducted in Skvyra Research Station in 2015-2016. Winter wheat variety Vidrada was selected for the studies. The first seed treatment by biological agents was in planting day: variant No 1 – "Biocomplex grain" (LLC "Enzyme-Agro") – 4 l/t; variant No 2 – Fito Help 2 l/t + Myco Help 4 l/t + Liposam (LLC "BTU-Center") – 0.5 l/t; variant No 3 – Riverm (LLC "Aqua Vita") – 4 % solution; and control (no treatment).

In the booting phase winter wheat crops were treated by biologicals: variant No 1 – Fitodoktor (1 l/ha) + organic crop (1.2 l/ha); variant No 2 – Myco Help (1.2 l/ha); variant No 3 – Riverm (4 % solution); and control – without treatment. Retreatment was carried out in grain growth stage by preparations: variant No 1 – Tryhodermin (2 l/ha) + Fitodoktor (1 l/ha); variant No 2 – Biocomplex BTU for cereals (1 l/ha); variant No 3 – Riverm 4 % solution and control – without treatment.

Experiment area 800 m2, land area of accounting – 25 m2. Structural elements of winter wheat yield and quality was determined by conventional methods.

Analysis of structural elements of the winter wheat yield shows that the use of biological preparations has a significant impact on changing parameters depending on the year and variant. In variant No 2, when using preparations Fito Help, Myco Help, Biocomplex BTU, the number of productive stems was higher on 8 pcs./m2 than in the control variant. When using “Biocomplex grain” and preparation Riverm, the number of productive stems was higher than in the control variant on 3-4 pcs./m2.

In dry 2015 the length of the stalk in variants No 1-3 was at the control variant level; in more favorable 2016 using preparations Fito Help, Myco Help, Biocomplex BTU increased this parameter on 2.8 %. The length of the ear ranged from 6.0 to 6.8 cm depending of the year. In variant No 2 the ear length was higher than in control on 0.4-0.6 cm. This is the result of growth- and immunostimulatory effect of the preparations Fito Help.

Biological Riverm and complex Fito Help, Myco Help, Biocomplex BTU increased the number of spikelets in the ear and the number of grains in the ear on 1.4-6.5 % and 6.1-12.5 % compared with control.

Shriveled, shrunken and small grain has low quality, resulting from unfavorable impact of environmental factors on the plant (weather conditions, shortage of nutrients, pests defeat and disease damage). Components of biological preparations can reduce the negative burden of environmental factors on winter wheat plants during the formation and ripening grain. Using biologicals can increase the weight of 1000 grains on 10.2-16.7 % and grain ear weight on 9.3-14.5 % compared with control.

Application of biological products increased the yield of winter wheat in all variants. The minimal yield was in the control variant – 43.8 c/ha on average for two years.

In 2015 the use of biologics increased crop yield on 7.8-11.1 c/ha. The highest yield was obtained in more favorable 2016 in variant Fito Help, Myco Help, Biocomplex BTU – 55.9 c/ha, it is on 11.8 c/ha higher than in control.

On average for two years in this variant yield increment was 11.5 c/ha (26.1 %), use of “Biocomplex grain” (variant No 1)
provided increment 9.6 c/ha (21.8 % ), Riverm (variant No 3) – 7.5 c/ha (17.1 %).

Analysis of grain quality shows that the highest protein and gluten content obtained by the use of biologics Fito Help, Myco Help, Biocomplex BTU. Thus, protein content in grain was 11.3%, gluten – 19.4% and in the control variant 10.5 and 17.8 % respectively. In unfavorable 2015 “Biocomplex grain” increased grain protein content of winter wheat on 0.5 % compared to untreated plants.

Grain natura affects flour and groats properties of wheat. On average for two years using of biologics has improved grain natura on 5-23 grams. Biologicals Fito Help, Myco Help, Biocomplex BTU increased this parameter on 21-25 grams depending on the year.

Key words: biological preparations, yield, winter wheat, organic farming, grain quality.



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