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Effectiveness of floribunda roses vegetative propagation by budding

Due to the growing demand for re-flowering roses, there is a need to improve the technology of their propagation in order to obtain sufficient quantities of high-quality planting material for ornamental gardening. Considering that self-rooted roses are vulnerable to negative environmental factors, especially in the first years of cultivation, they are mainly propagated by budding. Roses were budded with latent buds in 2021- 2022. For budding, growth buds of varietal roses were used taken from the middle part of well-developed and matured annual shoots. The bud is inserted under the bark of the rootstock's root collar through a T-shaped incision. It has been found out that the propagation of Floribunda roses by budding is effective with a percentage of cells survival up to 83%. Carmagnola variety had the best survival rate of 83%. The worst survival rate was observed in the Novalis variety – 63%. The budding method did not significantly affect the yield of planting material after wintering. The number of successfully overwintered plants in the whole group ranged from 71 to 93%. It was determined that the survival rate of the vegetative buds depended on the grafting method and the size of the cuttings from which the vegetative buds were selected. It was found that the survival rate of buds without wood in most varieties was 17% lower than with a thin layer of wood. The occulants taken from the middle part of the shoots had the best survival rate. The percentage of their survival ranged from 63 to 83% depending on the variety. The occulants from the apical and basal parts were also viable, but their survival rate was 27% and 23% lower than the previous ones. The results obtained indicate a high survival rate of cuttings of floribunda varieties, especially those taken from the middle part of annual shoots that were well matured at the time of budding.

Key words: roses, floribunda, reproduction, budding, eye, landscaping.


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