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Economic evaluation of the efficiency of grain sorghum growing

The article presents the results of research on the economic evaluation of the effectiveness of growing grain sorghum under the complex influence of the elements of growing technology in the conditions of unstable moisture in the forest-steppe of the Right Bank of Ukraine.

The purpose of the research was to determine the economic evaluation of the effectiveness of growing grain sorghum under the complex influence of technology elements. The experiment was carried out during 2019–2021 in the conditions of the research area of the educational and production center of Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University using various methods, namely: computational and statistical.

To calculate the basic costs, we used technological maps of growing grain sorghum, which are used by producers in the conditions of the Kyiv region. Also, when determining costs, we relied on the indicators of the control variants of grain sorghum of the various hybrids we studied.

It was found that the higher costs for grain sorghum cultivation technology amounted to UAH 5,149.9, for a yield of 7.88 t/ha, while for a yield of 6.65 t/ha it was UAH 5,067.1.

It was recorded that a higher profit was obtained on the option of foliar fertilization with microfertilizer Alpha-Grow-Extra, 2 l/ha (1 treatment of 5 leaves, 2 – 9 leaves, 3 – throwing out panicles) in combination with Stimpo growth regulator, 20 ml/ha in phase 5 leaves for the cultivation of the Brigga sorghum variety – 39,638 UAH/ha. Under the condition of cultivation of the Yutami variety on the option of foliar fertilization with microfertilizer Alpha-Grow-Extra, 2 l/ha (1 treatment of 5 leaves, 2 – 9 leaves, 3 – throwing out panicles) in combination with Stimpo growth regulator, 20 ml/ha in phase 5 of leaves, a profit of 48,550 UAH/t was obtained, and with the similar use of microfertilizer and growth regulator Regoplant, 50 ml/ha in the phase of 5 leaves, it was 48,622 UAH/t.

Key words: grain sorghum, economic assessment, basic costs, yield, profit.


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