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Economic and agrobiological assessment of soft winter wheat new varieties
The results of research in economic and agrobiological assessment of productivity level, adaptive and agrobiological properties of soft winter wheat new varieties. The studies show that the new varieties of soft winter wheat characterized permitted to commercial circulation are characterized with different economic and agrobiological trait, natural productivity potential and adaptive characteristics. A large part of them have very high productivity. The average yield of the investigated varieties for 2010-2012 years was 5.16 t/ha in the steppe area, 6.27 t/ha in the forest-steppe, Polissya – 5.57 t/ha. On Kirovograd and Donetsk regions breeding stations the productivity in the steppe zone reached 6.48 and 6.67 t/ha, on Vinnytsia plant varieties examination center and Man’kivka breeding stations steppe zone it was 8.06 and 8.26 respectively, and on Andrushkivka and Gorodenka breeding stations in Polissya it was 6.66 and 6.23 t/ha. Maximum yield of Lira Odes’ka, Sotnytsya, Calancha, Matrix, Ethel, Tatsitus varieties reached more than 10 tons/ha.
However, modern intensive varieties, along with their high genetic potential, have not only positive but negative properties as well. In particular, they form a high yield mostly under favorable environmental conditions and significant energy costs though reduce the yield dramatically under their deterioration. This results in observing significant reduce in resistance to abiotic and biotic stress situations which cause the yield high dependence on weather freak and its high fluctuation for years. Thus, the average yield of the studied varieties in the steppe zone in 2010 was 6.23, in 2011 ̶ 5.47, in 2012 – 3.79 t/ha; in the steppe zone it was respectively 5.06, 7.83 and 5.93 t/ha. The difference between the highest and lowest index in the steppe zone is 39.2 and 35.5 per cent in the steppe zone. The variation in yield between favorable and unfavorable weather years for Sailor, Zadumka Odes’ka, Lanoviy, Dobrochyn, Arktis and Rrayevyd varieties in the steppe zone and Lanovyy, Ethela and Esperiya varieties in forest-steppe reaches over 40 %.
Economic and agronomic value of winter wheat varieties depends not only on the performance of productivity, but, to a large extent, on their adaptive properties, resistance to stressful events. Each varieties is characterized with a specific level of stress resistance. According to academician A.A. Zhuchenko, there is a need to move from the maximum yield to sustainable high yield, due to the varieties with higher adaptability to weather and climatic stressors and harmful species. Only Sotnytsya, Lira Odes’ka and Oriyka varieties have good environmental adaptability and adaptive properties and are able to generate high productivity in many subzones and microzones of steppe and forest-steppe.
In varieties economic and agronomic assessment special attention should be paid to the indicators of winter – and frost resistance, which is an important feature of their biological activity and often determine the genotype suitability for production, since its cultivation is related to the risk of the thinning or freezing in some years. Among the studied varieties only Maria, Lira Odes’ka, Vykhovanka Odes’ka, Lanoviy, Zadumka Odes’ka, Gurt, Tsarychanka have above average winter hardiness, a significant part of the varieties – its average level that is insufficient for successful wintering in unfavorable years and Matrix, Ethela, Henesi, Arktis, Yuvivata 60 varieties are characterized with low winter hardiness. No randomly some of them at very thin out significantly after wintering and the productivity is reduced. In 2012 at Nikopol, Krasnogvardejsk, Pervomayske breeding stations and Kherson station the varieties of Fidelius, Tonatsiya, Sailor, Arktis, Matrix, Ethela, Henesi, Esperiya thinned significantly or even died.
It is equally important to have drought-resistant varieties which are able to provide plant normal functioning during dry periods and to lower the productivity to a lesser extent under climate change and global warming. Maria, Lira Odes’ka, Lanoviy, Calancha, Sotnytsya and other varieties are characterized with higher drought resistance in the steppe zone. The resistance is lower in Tatsitus, Fidelius, Sailor, Dobrochyn, Khyst, Tsarychanka, Legenda Myronivska, Yuvivata 60, Arktis, Matrix, Esperiya, Orzhytsya, Gubernator Donu varieties.
The number of varieties listed in the Register of good quality grain, meeting the requirements on strong and valuable wheat varieties has increased significantly recently. The investigated varieties can form the highest and most stable grain quality under appropriate agricultural technologies. Varieties with high protein content in grain and gluten have been found.
Economic and agrobiological assessment of the studied varieties under changing hydrothermal climate conditions of Ukraine demonstrates the their relatively large competitiveness at high productivity and adaptability rates. Increased yield in modern terms is mainly due to increase their resistance to stress factors Adaptation to specific agro-ecological conditions is important in maximizing the genetic potential of the varieties yield.
Key words: winter wheat, variety, yield, soil-climatic zone, adaptive properties, hardiness, drought resistance, grain quality.
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