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Ecological signifcance of winter wheat varieties in phytosanitary optimization of agroecosystems

Mycobiota of Podolyanka and Poliska 90 winter wheat varieties seeds was found to be represented mainly by fungi of the Alternaria, Fusarium, Penicillium, Aspergillus, Chaetomium, Trichothecium genera which are characterized by various levels of pathogenicity, depending on the physiological and biochemical properties the host variety. Signifcant increase is air temperature and relative humidity during the wheat flowering and milking stage of grain ripening contributed to the spread of micromycetes of the genus Alternaria Nees. (50 %). The seeds the affected by fungi Alternaria were physiologically underdeveloped, had low energy and germination, which averaged 40 %. Plants form such seeds lag behind in growth and development. It is established that the physiological and biochemical mechanism of Podolyanka winter wheat variety stimulates mycelium radial growth and intensity of fungi Alternaria sporulation indicating the rapid reproduction of micromycetes, which contributes to the contamination of agrophytocenoses by propagative structures of the pathogen. However, the intensity of spore formation and the rate of mycelium radial growth on Poliska 90 variety seeds, was signifcantly lower. This fact gives reason to believe that the physiological and biochemical mechanism of the Poliska 90 variety plants is able to restrain the intensity of the genus Alternaria micromycetes spore formation at an ecologically safe level. It was found that the seeds of the Podolyanka and Poliska 90 winter wheat varieties are low in protein content and have high humidity. In terms of raw gluten content, they are classifed in the quality group 3. Isolates of fungi the genus Alternaria developed more intensively on the Podolyanka winter wheat variety grain, which is characterized by a lower content of protein and gluten. However the development of fungi was signifcantly lower on the Poliska 90 variety grain, which is characterized by a slightly higher content of protein and gluten. System-ecological approach to the improvement of agroecosystems in organic farming can be carried out using indicators of the variety physiological and biochemical properties interaction with physiological properties of phytopathogenic fungi, namely sporulation intensity and mycelial radial growth rate. This can increase the level of biosafety in agroecosystems and improve the quality of plant raw materials.

Key words: the frequency of occurrence, mycelium radial growth, sporulation intensity, phytosanitary optimization, wheat winter agrphytocenoses.


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