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Ecological monitoring of migration of technogenic radionuclides between abiotic components and aquatic plants in the ecosystem of the Kaniv reservoir

During the period of 2011–2018, the average specific activity of 90Sr in aboveground organs of prairie cordgrass, submerged club-rush, common reed, and narrow-leaved cattail ranged from 1.5 to 14.0 Bq/kg, while 137Cs ranged from 3.1 to 165 Bq/kg. Over the course of the study, a tendency towards a decrease in 137Cs accumulation levels by hydrophytes was observed. The specific activity of 137Cs in helophytes and 90Sr in helophytes and hydrophytes likely remained unchanged. In 2018, the average specific activity of 90Sr in the investigated plant species did not exceed the maximum reference values for the post-accidental period. However, the specific activity of 137Cs in prairie cordgrass exceeded the maximum reference values by 13 times, while submerged club-rush, common reed, and narrow-leaved cattail exceeded the maximum reference values by 25, 3, and 2 times, respectively. During the study period, radionuclide contamination of higher aquatic plants in the Kaniv Reservoir was predominantly formed by 137Cs, accounting for 75–90 % of the contamination. In terms of increasing specific activity of 90Sr and 137Cs, plants from different ecological groups were arranged in the following sequence: gelophytes < pleustophytes < hydrophytes, indicating a balanced radioecological state in the ecosystem of the Kaniv Reservoir. This study provides insights into the levels of radionuclide activity in aquatic plants of the Kaniv Reservoir over a seven-year period. The observed decrease in 137Cs accumulation by hydrophytes suggests a potential improvement in the environmental conditions. The findings also highlight the significant contribution of 137Cs to the overall radionuclide contamination in higher aquatic plants. The sequential distribution of plants based on increasing specific activity of 90Sr and 137Cs reflects the radioecological equilibrium within the ecosystem. This information contributes to our understanding of the environmental dynamics and radiation impact in the Kaniv Reservoir ecosystem.

Key words: 90Sr activity, 137Cs activity, radionuclides, aquatic plants, ecological monitoring, Kaniv Reservoir, radionuclide accumulation, reference values, ecosystem.


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