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Ecological aspects of manifestations of the inva-sive species Cydalima Perspectalis (Walker, 1859) in urbanized ecosystems
Every year, the scale of the territories occupied by the invasive pest – the box tree moth (Cydalima perspectalis (Walker, 1859)) is growing rapidly. In 2005, this species was distributed in 16 countries of the European Union. Evidence of the presence of C. perspectalis on the territory of Ukraine was absent until 2013, the box tree moth was first detected in 2014. The box tree moth is a polyvoltine species that forms 2–3 generations per year, in the southern regions up to 4 generations, with obligatory diapauses of 6–8 weeks. The caterpillar feeds on boxwood leaves, and in their absence – bark. The pest hibernates in the stage of a pupa or caterpillar in a cocoon fixed in a thick web between boxwood leaves.
During the years of research in 2019–2022, it was established that the invasive population of C. Perspectalis in the urban ecosystem of Bila Tserkva developed very rapidly, after isolated cases of detection of the invasive species Суdalima perspectalis in 2019 and 2020, there is complete local eating of boxwood in urban areas of Bila Tserkva in 2022, which indicates the aggressiveness of this insect species, its speed of reproduction and fecundity, and the possibility of development in several generations in the conditions of the Kyiv region. As a result of entomological monitoring of the manifestation of C. perspectalis (Walker, 1859), it was established that the ecological – phytochological zones of Bila Tserkva, Kyiv region, which change synchronously in space parallel to the gradient of plant groups, significantly influence the formation of the population of the invasive species. The specific microclimatic conditions of the urbogenic environment and its ecological features lead to certain changes in the dynamics of the spread of the invasive species C. perspectalis. The conducted studies of the manifestation of the pest on the fodder crop Buxus sempervirens L. in the conditions of the urban ecosystems of Bila Tserkva testify to the differences in the degree of distribution in various ecological and phytocenotic zones, which is a reflection of the influence of a complex of unfavorable factors of the urban environment.
Key words: Buxus sempervirens L., Cydalima per-spectalis (Walker, 1859), ecological and phytocenotic zones of the city.
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