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Display of aleurone layer color of corn grain (Zea maize l.) in F1 hybryds
Seed quality must be monitored at all stages of the seed process since it is the main product in seed production of agricultural crops sold to agricultural holdings. Different types of marker signs can be widely used to control the quality of the seeds obtained. Among the marker signs that can be effectively used in heterozyous corn selection, one can distinguish the characteristics of corn grain coloring. This feature varies from white to almost black and is due to the action of many genes in the coloration of the aleurone layer, endosperm and pericarp. The corn seed color is controlled by five A1, A2, C1, C2 and R1 genes that interact according to the principle of complementarity. This trait can be used to control the hybridity of seeds in hybridization sites, but for practical application in seedling it is necessary to study the genetic basis of inbred breeding lines for the main genes of the coloration of the aleuronic layer of grains and enter them in elite lines.
As input material, inbred breeding lines of corn were used: F7, C, F2, C, Cg 10, M, F 115, M, MG 26, M, and P 502 MW, and test strips C-74, C-124b, C-513, C-183, P-212. Between selection inbred lines and tester reciprocal crossings were performed. The test lines by genotype were as follows: the sample of C-74 (genotype a1A2CR) was used with the allele a1; the grains were not colored; with allele a2 – sample C-124b (genotype A1a2CR), grains unpunched; with an allele c1 sample C-183 (genotype c1A1A2R), the aleuronium layer is uncolored; with an allele c2 – a sample of С-513 (genotype с2А1A2С1R), a grain of uncolored; with allele r – sample C-212 (genotype rA1A2CR), grains with uncolored pericarp and alyuron.
The phenotypic manifestation of the genes of the coloration of the aleuronic layer of maize corn was conducted visually in the phase of full reaching of the cobs.
The test corn lines were selected with a clear phenotypic manifestation of the studied trait and had in their genotype one pair of recessive alleles from five genes that controlled the color of the aleuronic layer of the corn, and the remaining alleles – in a homozygous state. In the first phase of the research, we analyzed hybrids, the creation of which was involved as a parent component of crossing the test line, and the parent component – breeding inbred lines.
Comparison of the results of the coloration of the aleuronic layer of maize corn in different types of crossing – the inbred line × tester (preliminary work) and the tester × inbred line showed that the reciprocal effects were not detected, that is, regardless of the direction of crossing in the same combination of crosses, the same manifestation of a sign. For example, in direct and reciprocal crossings involving corn test lines with genotype A1A2c1С2R (line C-183) and A1A2C1С2r (line C-212), we observed in the phenotype the same effect of genes – hybrid grains had a bright color.
Therefore, we studied the genotypes of six breeding lines by coloring the aleuronic layer of grain in crosses with five test lines with known genotypes. It has been established that all analyzed inbred lines F7 сС, F2 сС, Cg 10 сM, F 115 сM, GK 26 сМ and P 502 МВ have the genotype А1А1А2А2с1с1С2С2rr.
Key words: corn, crossings, aleurone layer, complementary interaction of genes.
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