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Diseases development and productivity of soybean at the seeds treatment by microbial formulations


The results of studies of the microbial formulations effect on the diseases development during the growing season and soya crop yield are presented. The work was carried out on three soybean cultivars of different ripening – Medea, Moravia and Medison. Microbial formulations action was compared with the chemical fungicide Maxim XL 035 FS action.

It was found that the microbial formulations Rizobin based on bacteria Bradyrhizobium japonicum and complex formulation also containing Bacillus megaterium bacteria significantly improved plant growth and development, reduced the morbidity by major diseases, stimulated the formation of roots nodules and increased soybean yield.

The most common soybean diseases during the study were bacterial blight, early blight, downy mildew, Fusarium wilt. Among the studied soybean cultivars the early ripening cultivar Medea was characterized by the smallest morbidity and the  middle-early cultivar Madison was characterized as the most morbidity.

The smallest development of bacteriosis was characterized the cultivar Medea (1,2-5,2 %) and Moravia (2,1-11,4 %) and Fusarium affected on cultivar Madison (0,6-3,2 %). The biggest development of all ultivars had Alternaria – from 6.2 % on the cultivar Moravia to 28.0 % on the cultivar Madison. Development of downy mildew on cultivars  Medea, Moravia and Madison was at 1,2-3,8 % 1,8-5,5 % and 3,2-26,8 %, respectively.

Microbial formulations most effectively controlled bacterial diseases of soybean. Their effectiveness against bacterial blight,  on sort Medea averaged 44.5 %, and the sort of Moravia - 64.5 %, which is by 11 % and 12 % higher than in the processing of chemicals Maxim XL 035 FS.The lowest efficacy of all soybean varieties registered against Alternaria. The effectiveness of microbial agents against Alternaria and downy mildew was at the action of chemicals. Less  efficiency  provided a bacterial agents against Fusarium wilt, but the degree of its development was generally low and marked only by cultivar Madison.

The combined use of of formulations Maxim XL 035 FS and Ryzobin also had a positive impact on reducing disease soybean. The development of disease in this variant, almost on all cultivars was lower than when processing of individual components. The most effective in this variant was the inhibition of soybean bacterial blight,  and downy mildew development.

Bacterial formulations actively encouraged the nodules formation on soybean roots. Number of nodules using microbial formulations was 4-5 times higher than in control. Тhe highest number of nodules formed in phase formation of beans.The most active formation of nodules on all cultivars of soybean proceeded under the influence of formulations Ryzobin and Ryzobin + Fosfobakteryn. 

Presowing seeds treatment by bacterial formulations had a positive impact not only on the state and development of plants, but also on improvement of their productivity. These variants registered more beans on the plant, their weight, which provided a total significantly higher grain yield. The highest yield was obtained on the cultivar Madison, and the lowest – on the cultivar Medea.

Thanks to the seeds bacterization the soybean yield was increased by Medea, Moravia and Madison by an average of
96 %, 46 % і 39 % compared with the control.

The highest soybean yield was increased providing Rizobin and the combining use of formulations Maxim XL 035 FS and Rizobin.

It was also found out that crops seeds treatment with biological and chemicals make the crops more resistant to stress factors during the growing season.

Key words: soybean cultivars, microbial formulations, diseases development, formation of nodules, productivity.




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