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Dendrocenosis of the Bila Tserkva national agricultural university main building courtyard: diversity, age and condition

The paper reveals the results of taxonomic assessment, phytosanitary monitoring and general condition of the dendrocenosis the BNAU main building the courtyard. It is established that the age structure of plantations ranges from 10 to 80 years, with 60 years old plants to make 12 %. The group of woody plants aged from 41 to 50 years is most numerous (33 % of the total number of trees); the larges number of shrubs ages 16–20 years (6 %). The structure of the dendrocenosis of the courtyard is formed by species of woody plants, the share of their participation ranges from 5.8 to 15 % of the total number of trees: Aesculus hippocastanum L. (15 %), Acer platanoides (9.2 %), Catalpa bignonioides Walt. (7.5 %), Populus tremula L. (6.7 %), Juglans cinerea L. (6.7 %), Ulmus glabra Huds. (6.7 %), Tilia platyphyllos Scop. (5.8 %). According to the life forms of plants, the dendrocenosis is represented by trees (81.7 %) and shrubs (183.%). The taxonomic assessment of the dendrocenosis reveals that that 120 specimens of shrubs are represented by 27 species, grouped into 23 genera of 17 families of 12 orders of 2 divisions. Magnoliophyta predominates in terms of species diversity, which is represented by 24 species from 20 genera of 16 families of 11 orders. According to the number of specimens represented by families, they can be ranked as follows: Sapindaceae Juss. > Juglandaceae DC. ex Perleb> Malvaceae Juss. > Bignoniaceae Juss. > Ulmaceae Mirb. > Salicaceae Mirb. > Oleaceae Hoffmanns. & Link> Anacardiaceae R.Br. > Fabaceae Juss. > Adoxaceae E.Mey. > Paeoniaceae Raf. According to the number of woody plants, the relative living condition of the dendrocenosis is 75 %, which characterizes the weakened condition of the stand of the BNAU main building courtyard. The best living condition was observed in 46 % of the species stand such as Picea abies L., Pinus sylvestris L., Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco, Fraxinus excelsior L., Styphnolobium japonicum L., Carpinus betulus L., Rhus typhina L., Acer negundo L., Tilia cordata Mill. Under the influence of various biotic and abiotic factors, 26 % of shrubs are in a weakened state, 17 % are severely weakened, 11 % are withered.

Key words: dendrocenosis, tree-shrub vegetation, species, genus, family, living condition.


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