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Damage pests and diseases peach trees with organic technology cultivation in the Southern Ukrainian Steppe
The aim of our study was to determine the effect of organic cultivation technology to defeat disease and pest damage of peach in the southern Steppe of Ukraine. Field experiment was laid in February 2010 on the lands of the Melitopol district of Zaporozhye region. Plant material for research was peach variety of Redheyven grafted on apricot. Repeated experience of 4-fold, 10 trees in each repetition. Variations: 1 – control (lacking any spraying); 2 – biological protection, spraying apple cider vinegar (200 ml per 10 liters of working solution); 3 – Chemical protection products: Bordeaux mixture, Horus, Delan, Aktellik (in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions); 4 – biosecurity, bacterial, viral and fungal preparations industrial production (Gaupsin, fitosporin, Lepidocide, Pentafag-C Trihodermin); 5 – biological protection, biologics (same as in embodiment 4) + vegetable preparations (same as in embodiment 6); 6 – protection of plant products (garlic tincture, tincture of horseradish, onion peel broth, broth of red hot pepper), made our own. The remaining processing methods were the same in all variations: the soil was kept under natural sod (10-15 cm), tree trunks were mulched with hay (thickness of the layer of mulch was 15-20 cm), beginning in April with an interval of 3 weeks was carried out irrigation 80-100 l for each tree.
Average score defeat disease and pest damage was determined generally accepted methods. Results processed statistically by analysis of variance.
Lack of treatment led to an increase of defeat trees Clasterosporium carpophilum A and peach leaf curl (Taphrina deformans T), but reduced the loss and damage by pests Monilia cinerea (Bonord) Hon. Protection of plant products was ineffective against Clasterosporium carpophilum A. Chemical protection also does not eliminate the peach leaf curl. Treatment of apple cider vinegar significantly reduced lesion Clasterosporium carpophilum A and peach leaf curl, which could potentially have a positive impact on productivity and longevity peach tree.
During the growing season peach main pests were striped moth and aphids. Comprehensive protection for biological products and herbal supplements, as well as chemical protection did not reduce the number of pests. This can be explained by the fact that the enhanced protection frightened beneficial insects. Indeed, in the absence of treatments striped moth damage was minimal. Settling aphids most observed on treatment options with apple cider vinegar and herbal preparations. But after the middle of June, we observed a sharp decrease in the number of aphids and on the beginning of august they have almost disappeared.
Effectiveness of biological products was low. By themselves, they do not solve the problem of protection from pests and diseases. In our view , there are several reasons for this result. First, biologics have a minimum temperature at which they can work ( + 16 °C). At the time when control of fungal diseases should carry out in October and during the swelling buds of spring when the temperature does not reach the minimum. Second, domestic biologics have not antiviral activity. Thirdly, today still poorly understood interaction between a biological products in tank mixtures .
Thus we can say that the lack of treatments resulted in increased destruction of trees Clasterosporium carpophilum A and peach leaf curl (Taphrina deformans T), but decreased Monilia cinerea (Bonord) Hon destruction and damage by pests is likely due to the preservation of beneficial organisms. Plant protection was ineffective against Clasterosporium carpophilum A. Treatment of apple cider vinegar significantly reduced lesion Clasterosporium carpophilum A and peach leaf curl (Taphrina deformans T) that can be remotely positive effect on productivity and longevity peach trees. The settlement of aphids observed in most versions of apple cider vinegar treatment and herbal preparations, but before the harvest aphids are gone. In the absence of treatments striped moth damage was minimal.
Key words: organic gardening, peach, peach diseases and pests.
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