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Coriander fruits field germination depending on the variety, sowing methods and seeding norm in the central forest-steppe of Ukraine

Introducing coriander into the forest-steppe central zone crop rotation will improve economic level of crops growing, to predict the prospect of greater stability of modern crop rotations and their biological conformity with the grown crops, to use coriander as a good predecessor for winter wheat and other important crops.

While defining the role and influence of the studied factors (variety, row spacing, seed rate) and duration of the interphase period of "sowing-germination" on field germination, one needs to know the amount of water they need to absorb for mass soak, as it can be related to its amount in soil and competition among its fruits sown according to different placement schemes based on row spacing and seeding norms.

Coriander fruits absorb water in the amount of 120-130 % of its mass in soaking. A denser placement in the line created some competition for the moisture to soak between them. Narrowing row spacing and equal seeding amounts cause changing in quantity and spatial placement and thus creates different conditions for soil water use. Increasing the seeding rate under the same row spacing changes the density of fruit per area unit, which again reinforces the competition in the fruit for germination and  soaking moisture.

At the same time a closer fruit placement can be the cause of their higher  intoxication through the emission of specific inhibiting substances. In this case, a allele role of coriander seed and root system emissions are displayed through the change in the field germination. In addition, too close placement, conditioned with on higher and high coriander fruits sowing standards, may cause emission of a certain amount of heat, which can also affect the field germination . The degree coriander field germination changes depends on these mechanisms involved. Field germination of coriander fruits is a comprehensive index of the impact of weather conditions, row spacing, seed rate of the studied varieties.

Mathematical processing of the results of field germination suggests asserting a sort of impact on the field germination of coriander. Comparing  Oksanit and Nectar sorts for their field germination under same row spacing and seedingrates, the difference between the varieties on this indicator is proved.

Since the variety and, especially, row spacing play a significant role in changing coriander fruit field germination, it is therefore appropriate to examine the significance of seeding rates in its regulation as well. First we should note the general pattern in the change of field germination dependence on seed of coriander fruits growth rate from 1.5 to 2.5 million/ha. The essence of this pattern can be formulated as follows: regardless of the variety and row spacing the increase in the coriander fruits sowing rate in the central Forest Steppes of Ukraine reduces field germination. It should be noted that this reduction is not in mathematically provable in all cases, but the nature of the changes, their consistency in all the experiment versions were repeated annually.

Under planting Oksanit varietiy with the sowing rate of 2.0; 2.5 million/ha germinated fruit the difference in field germination at 45 cm row spacing, compared to 1.5 million/ha germinated was 0.5; 0.8 %; at 30 cm - 0.2; 0.3%; at 15 cm - 0.3; 0.5% average according to the data of three years experiment.

In Nectar sort these figures are the following: 0.3 ; 0.5%; 0.5; 0.8 %; 0.2; 0.3 % with LPD 0,05 C-factor - 0.5 units. If we compare coriander fruits field germination dependence on the sowing rate of Nectar, the increase in norm to 2.0 and 2.5 million/ha compared to 1.5 million/ha, caused reduce in germination at 45 cm row spacing by 0,3-0 , 5%; at 30cm - by 0.5-0.8 %; at 15cm - by 0.2-0.3 % with LPD 0,05 C-factor - 0.5 units. As one can see, the difference in the change in the field germination in Nectar is not similar to the one of Oksanit variety not only in its character direction, but in the systemic nature of the process as well.

The conducted research of the role of Oksanit and Nectar coriander varieties, different row spacing and seeding rates in improving coriander fruit field germination reveal the dependence of coriander fruit field germination on the varietiy, row spacing, seed rate and weather conditions.

Conclusion: the highest field germination of coriander fruit was observed under traditional row sowing in both varieties with 15 cm inter-row spacing and seeding rate of 1.5 million ha of  germinated fruit.

Key words: coriander, variety, inter-row spacing, seeding rate, field germination.

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