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2. Prymak, I.D., Kosolap, M.P., Martyniuk, I.V. (2021). Naukovi osnovy upravlinnia burianovym komponentom ahrofitotsenoziv Ukrainy [Scientific bases of management of the weed component of agrophytocenoses of Ukraine]. Vinnytsia, LLC «TVORY», pp. 4–12.
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7. Prymak, I.D., Kosolap, M.P., Voitovyk, M.V. (2019). Mekhanichnyi obrobitok hruntu: istoriia, teoriia, praktyka [Mechanical soil cultivation: history, theory, practice]. Vinnytsia, LLC "TVORY", pp. 342–352, 356–365.
8. Prymak, I.D., Panchenko, O.B., Voitovyk, M.V. (2018). Evoliutsiia teoretychnykh i praktychnykh osnov perekhodu vid polytsevoho do bezpolytsevoho i poverkhnevoho ta nulovoho obrobitkiv hruntu v Ukraini z seredyny pershoi polovyny 20 st. do sohodennia [Evolution of theoretical and practical foundations of the transition from shelf to shelfless and surface and zero tillage in Ukraine from the middle of the first half of the 20th century to the present]. Ahrobiolohiia [Agrobiology]. no. 2, pp. 6–17.
9. Mumindzhanov, S.A., Kosolap, M.P., Bykov, M.I. (2023). Hruntozakhysne ta resursooshchadne zemlerobstvo v Ukraini: navchalnyi posibnyk [Soil-protective and resource-saving agriculture in Ukraine]. Kyiv, NUBIP Ukrainy, 120 p.
10. Kosolap, M.P., Krotinov, O.P., Ivaniuk, M.F. (2023). Systemy zberihaiuchoho zemlerobstva: Notill i Strip-till [Conservation agriculture systems: Notill and Strip-till]. Kyiv, NUBIP Ukrainy, pp. 25–30, 365–373.
11. Matiukha, V.L. (2024). Naukovo obhruntovana kontseptsiia kontroliuvannia entomofitopatohennoho kompleksu u posivakh pshenytsi ozymoi Pivnichnoho Stepu Ukrainy: avtoref. dys… d-ra s.-h. nauk: 06.01.01 [Scientifically based concept of controlling entomophytopathogenic complex in winter wheat crops of the Northern Steppe of Ukraine: author's abstract of dissertation of Doctor of Agricultural Sciences: 06.01.01]. Dnipro, 44 p.
12. Voitovyk, M.V. (2024). Naukove obhruntuvannia produktyvnosti korotkorotatsiinykh sivozmin i vidtvorennia rodiuchosti chornozemu typovoho Pravoberezhnoho Lisostepu Ukrainy: avtoref. dys… d-ra s.-h. nauk: 06.01.01 [Scientific justification of the productivity of short-rotation crop rotations and the reproduction of chernozem fertility of the typical Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine: author's abstract of the dissertation doctor of agricultural sciences: 06.01.01]. Dnipro, 43 p.
13. Voitovyk, M.V. (2023). Zaburianenist ahrotsenoziv soniashnyku v korotkorotatsiinykh sivozminakh [Pollution of sunflower agrocenoses in short-rotation crop rotations]. Peredhirne ta hirske zemlerobstvo i tvarynnytstvo [Poothill and mountain agriculture and animal husbandry]. Issue 73 (1), pp. 42–56.
14. Pavlichenko, A.A. (2019). Produktyvnist plodozminnoi sivozminy zalezhno vid system osnovnoho obrobitku hruntu ta udobrennia u Pravoberezhnomu Lisostepu Ukrainy: avtoref. dys... kand. s.-h. nauk: 06.01.01 [Productivity of crop rotation depending on the main tillage and fertilization systems in the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine: author's abstract of dissertation candidate of agricultural sciences: 06.01.01]. Uman, 23 p.
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16. Shevchenko, M.V. (2015). Naukovi osnovy system obrobitku hruntu v polovykh sivozminakh Livoberezhnoho Lisostepu Ukrainy: avtoref. dys... d-ra s.-h. nauk: 06.01.01 [Scientific foundations of soil cultivation systems in field crop rotations of the Left-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine: author's abstract of the dissertation of Dr. of Agricultural Sciences: 06.01.01.]. Dnipropetrovsk, 41 p.
17. Shevchenko, M.V. (2019). Naukovi osnovy system obrobitku hruntu v umovakh nestiikoho ta nedostatnoho zvolozhennia: monographia [Scientific foundations of soil cultivation systems in conditions of unstable and insufficient moisture]. Kharkiv, KhNAU, Maidan, pp. 73–80, 164–166.
18. Kryvenko, A.I. (2018). Ahrobiolohichni osnovy tekhnolohii vyroshchuvannia ozymykh zernovykh kultur u Pivdennomu Stepu Ukrainy: monohrafiia [Agrobiological foundations of technologies for growing winter grain crops in the Southern Steppe of Ukraine]. Vinnytsia, LLC «Nilan-LTD», pp. 62–65, 110–123, 280 p.
19. Hrynyk, S.I. (2021). Optymizatsiia sposobu obrobitku hruntu i systemy udobrennia v korotkorotatsiinii sivozmini Peredkarpattia Ukrainy: avtoref. dys… kand. s.-h. nauk: 06.01.01 [Optimization of the soil cultivation method and fertilizer system in short-rotation crop rotation of the Carpathian Basin of Ukraine: author's abstract Dissertation Candidate of Agricultural Sciences: 06.01.01]. Kyiv, 22 p.
20.Cheriachukin, M.I. (2016). Naukove obhruntuvannia ta rozroblennia zakhodiv osnovnoho obrobitku hruntu v zonalnykh systemakh zemlerobstva Pravoberezhnoho Stepu Ukrainy: avtoref. dys…d-ra. s.-h. nauk: 06.01.01 [Scientific justification and development of measures for basic soil cultivation in zonal farming systems of the Right-Bank Steppe of Ukraine: author's abstract of the dissertation doctor of agricultural sciences: 06.01.01]. Kyiv, 51 p.
21. Kurdiukova, O.M. (2015). Botaniko-biolohichna kharakterystyka burianovykh synuzii ahrofitotsenoziv Livoberezhnoho Stepu Ukrainy ta zakhody yikh kontroliu: avtoref. dys…d-ra s.-h. nauk: 06.01.13 [Botanical and biological characteristics of weed synusia of agrophytocenoses of the Left-bank Steppe of Ukraine and measures for their control: author's abstract of the dissertation of the Doctor of Agricultural Sciences: 06.01.13]. Kyiv, 47 p.
22. Koval, H.V. (2019). Riven intensyvnosti ziablevoho obrobitku hruntu ta fitosanitarnyi stan posiviv korotkorotatsiinoi sivozminy Pravoberezhnoho Lisostepu Ukrainy: avtoref. dys…kand. s.-h. nauk: 06.01.01 [The level of intensity of winter tillage and the phytosanitary condition of short-rotation crop rotation crops in the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine: author's abstract of dissertation for the degree of candidate of agricultural sciences: 06.01.01]. Uman, 21 p.
23.Babenko, A.I. (2020). Shkoda sehetalnykh vydiv ta optymizatsiia kontroliu zaburianenosti soniashnyka v Pravoberezhnomu Lisostepu Ukrainy: avtoref. dys… kand. s.-h. nauk: 06.01.13 [Damage of segetal species and optimization of weed control of sunflower in the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine: author's abstract Dissertation Candidate of Agricultural Sciences: 06.01.13]. Kyiv, 22 p.
24. Kosolap, M.P., Ivaniuk, M.F., Prymak, I.D., Anisymova, A.A., Babenko, A.I. (2021). Praktykum z herbolohii: navchalnyi posibnyk [Herbology Workshop]. Kyiv, NUBIP of Ukraine, pp. 410–417.
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