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Characterization of the newly established breeding material of winter wheat with increased resistance to pathogens

Material and methods of studies. The research was conducted during 2007-2012 years in the laboratory of breeding and physiology of winter wheat V. Ya. Yuriev NAAS in the direction of creating the initial material of winter soft wheat with high yield and grain quality, high winter frost and Smut diseases resistant.

Experiments were carried out in the field of nurseries Research Institute Rotation. Breeding patterns at an early stage in the selection process were seeded hybrid nursery F2, hand , further breeding nursery with the accounting area of ​​1m2 plots in the control nursery F3, previous and competitive strain testing where accounting land area was 10m2 .

Phenological observations were carried out in accordance with the methods of state testing crops [4].

Creating backgrounds infectious pathogens and evaluation of resistance against fungal diseases of winter wheat was carried out at all levels of the selection process for the guidelines [5,6]. The reliability of the statistical parameters and the level of potential yield estimated by Dospehovym BO [7].

In winter, frost studied by artificial freezing in the freezer CST - 1 Sector of Plant Physiology and by counting the number of plants in the fall and in the spring when vegetation .

Weather conditions largely determine the efficiency of infectious create backgrounds in research on plant immunity. It was extremely difficult to plant winter wheat under conditions when the winter was in 2009-2010, extreme temperatures of + 2-1 ° C heat up - 18-20 ° C below zero led to a weakening of the plants. The content of soluble carbohydrates in tillering nodes decreased to 26%. In late January 2010, due to rain and snow thaws short formed ice cover to 8.10 cm, resulting in injury and partial loss of plants in experimental crops. Autumn-winter 2010-2012 biennium, were satisfactory for wintering. Weather conditions during spring and summer months, years 2009-2012 , were dry. Under these conditions, there was limited development of leaf diseases of cereals crops.

Natural conditions are not sufficient to differentiate the signs of stability as important factor phyto sanitary condition of breeding crop rotation is to create a background of infectious pathogens. Display of data factors influenced the effectiveness of recruiting genotypes in primary care in the selection and formation characteristics of adaptability in future among the constant lines.

Results and discussion. The investigations were aimed at identifying and attracting sources of resistance to pathogens examples of world collection of scientific institutions in the country and adapted to local conditions recognized varieties to create original material by intraspecific hybridization followed by selection of genotypes resistant to infectious backgrounds, their effective use in breeding for combination one genotype economically valuable traits and resistance to adverse environmental factors.

Intraspecific hybridization followed by individual selection in hybrid seed at this time are the main methods in breeding of winter wheat for increased resistance to disease. Therefore, in order to create new promising starting material for breeding high-yielding varieties of winter wheat with excellent grain quality, high winter hardiness and disease resistant, have been involved in crosses sources of resistance to leaf diseases and smut (L 71-04 KH, Helios, PN 04 - 12 Fortunately, Brutus, Olma, Swallow Odessa , Spasivka , Princess Olga , Dromos, Meritto, Cornet and others) and recognized varieties adapted to local conditions ( Harus , Vasilisa , Kharkov 105, Doridna , perfect , gorgeous, Alliance, Darkie and other ). Couples were selected for breeding so that the parent components differed by resistance groups against pathogens (Erysiphe graminis, Pussinia triticina Erikss, Tilletia tritici, Septoria tritici, Fusarium nivale) and had a breeding value for further work. Parental forms observed complex agronomic traits have been combined in the new genotypes.

As a result of targeted selections were highlighted selection and valuable line of high-level resistance to leaf diseases, smut, productivity, grain quality and hardiness that in terms appropriate to national standards ( Podolyanka ) and exceeded it.

During the research the results of selections from 1480 studied hybrid populations F2 - F6, 19 were allocated selection of lines that differed combined resistance to pathogens and adverse abiotic environmental factors, including 14 high winter-hardy lines (8-9 points), with a combined resistance (7-8 points) to powdery mildew, septoriozu, brown leaf rust and 5 lines resistant to smut and rust (7-9 points).

Key words: winter wheat, infectious background, stability, power, hybrids, lines, disease, crop.



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