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Characteristics of the productivity structure, yield and quality composition of beans grain varieties (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
The article considers the results of research on common beans varieties (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), their productivity and quality indicators in the Western Forest-Steppe. The results of biometric analysis show that bean plants differed in terms of variety. According to the height of the plant, the varieties were distributed as follows: low (< 51 cm) – Galaktyka, Perlyna, Shchedra, Mavka, Otrada, Nespodivanka, Pervomaiska, Yuvileyna 287, Stanychnaya, Nadiya, Bukovynka; medium (51–70 cm) – Kharkivska shtambova, Veselka, Dokuchaevska, Dniprianka. The height of attachment of the lower bean was the highest in the varieties Galaktyka and Stanychnaya – 16,6 cm, in Otrada variety – 16,3 cm, the lowest in the Dniprianka variety – 7,7 cm. At the same time, the height from the soil surface to the tip of the lower bean was the highest in the Perlyna variety – 6,9 cm, due to the length of the beans 7–8 cm. While in the variety Stanychnaya, due to the length of the beans 12–15 cm, this fgure was 4,9 cm. The lowest height from the soil surface to the tip of the lower bean was in the Panna variety – 1,8 cm and the Dniprianka variety – 2,3 cm, respectively. It was found that the largest number of internodes was in the variety Nespodivanka – 19,3 pieces, the lowest in the varieties Panna – 7,0 and Veselka – 8,8 pieces. The number of branches was the largest in the variety Slaviya – 4,4 pieces, the smallest in the variety Stanychnaya – 2,9 pieces, in the varieties Panna and Galaktyka – 3,1 pieces. The largest number of beans on the plant is set in the Nespodivanka variety – 26,8 pcs., the smallest in the variety Stanychnaya – 8,2 pcs. The studied varieties by weight of 1000 seeds are divided into groups: small (101–200 g) – Perlyna, Shchedra, Nespodivanka; medium (201–400 g) – Kharkivska shtambova, Mavka, Veselka, Otrada, Dokuchaevska, Yuvileyna 287, Pervomaiska, Dniprianka, Bukovynka, Nadiya; large (401– 800 g) – Galaktyka and Stanychnaya. The yield of beans depended on the characteristics and potential of the studied varieties. The highest yield of bean grain on average in 2012–2018 was obtained in the studied varieties: Perlyna – 2,61 t/ha, Kharkivska shtambova – 2,57 t/ ha, Nespodivanka – 2,33 t/ha, Mavka – 2,34 t/ha, Pervomaiska – 3,41 t/ha and Nadiya – 2,36 t/ha. Depending on the variety, the bean grain contains crude protein in the range of 18,75 % in the Pervomaiskа variety to 23,38 % in the Slavia variety. The fber content is 3,7–5,5 %, ash – 3,29–3,94 %, BER – 55,5–59,9 %.
Key words: common bean, productivity, variety, plant height, height of attachment of the lower bean, number of internodes, beans, grain, weight of 1000 seeds, yield, grain quality indicators.
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