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Breeding of winter barley collection accessions under environmental conditions of the Forest-steppe of Ukraine
It is noted that due to the significant expansion of crop areas for winter barley in Ukraine, including in the central, western and northern regions an issue of the modern domestic varieties adapted to these conditions, especially with regard to global climate change is urgent.
Based on analysis of literature it has been found insufficient number of papers devoted to the study of winter barley in Ukraine, especially in the forest-steppe. Therefore, the aim of our study was to assess the global genetic diversity of winter barley under environmental conditions of the forest-steppe and to identify sources of valuable traits for breeding. Experiments were conducted at the laboratory of breeding barley of the V.M. Remeslo Myronivka Institute of Wheat of NAAS of Ukraine in 2009-2014. Research object included over 1000 winter barley collection accessions of different eco-geographical origin.
It has been identified new genetic sources of valuable traits being recommended for use in breeding process for increase the adaptive capacity of winter barley under environmental conditions of the forest-steppe of Ukraine: winter hardiness – Seim, Borysfen, Zherar, Selena star (UKR), Larets, Sanson, Skorokhod, Meteor (RUS); Novosadski 737 (SRB), some accessions in nurseries IBCB-W, IBYT-W, IBSP-W etc.; resistance and moderate resistance to powdery mildew (mark 8) – Existenz (DEU), Aivenho (UKR); Сinderella, Aktion, Maybrit (DEU); Cartel, Fallon (FRA); Fighter, Nevada (GBR), Wysor (USA), miss.162-420-32/4 (SYR) etc.; moderate resistance to net blotch – Myronivs’kyi 87, Borysfen, Synel’nykivs’kyi 5, Manas (UKR); Larets, F’odor, Mukhailo, Kozyr, Rostovskyi 55 (RUS); Galeb (BGR); Pepite, Montana (FRA); Mattina (ITA); Novosadski 295 (SRB); Turkey, Radical//Cyclone/ICB-100002, Michailo/Dobrinya, Robur/ICB-101332 (SYR); Wysor (USA) etc.; moderate resistance to spot blotch – Pallidum 77, Seim, Borysfen, Kovcheh, Tutankhamon, Synel’nykivs’kyi 5 (UKR); Mukhailo, F’odor, Larets, Kozyr, Rostovskyi 55, Kuban-19 (RUS); КМ-914, КМ-906 (CZE); Novosadski 557 (SRB); Alpha/Cum//CWB117-77-9-7/3/Sonata/305-44//Sararood-1, Radical/Birgit//K-304 (SYR) etc.; resistance to barley stripe leaf – Tutankhamon, Selena star (UKR); F’odor, Master, Kozyr (RUS); Sympa, Mallard (FRA); Sonora (ITA); Vlaminis, Tamara (KGT); Tilek (KAZ); Novosadski 295, Novosadski 313 (SRB); Gob/Humai10/3/Claudia-Bar/Ds4886//Shyri/4/Msel, Victoria/Sonata, 3896/1-3/4/1246/1-3/3/3887/28//3892/1-3/5/Grivita/6/YEA389-3/YEA475-4, Roho//Alger/Ceres362-1-1/3/CWB117-77-9-7/4/GkOmega, MullersHeydla//Sls/3/GkOmega, Coss/OWB71080-44-1H/3/Alpha//Sul/Nacta, K-305-2/Narcis, Grivita/CWB117-5-9-5, Plaisant/Radical, 24569/5/F2//Radical/Karat/3/Radical/4/Xemus, Pamir-065/Pamir-149, K-304/Wysor, Dobrinya/K-015, Michailo/Dobrinya, Alpha/Gumhuriyet//Sonate/3/Sararood, Mal1-4-3094-2//Alpha/Cum/3/Victoria/Mal1-4-3094-2, Roho/Mazurka//ICB-103020/3/YEA389-3/YEA475-4, (SYR) etc.; resistance and moderate resistance to barley leaf rust – Strimkyi, Ihor, Aivenho, Radon (UKR); Maybrit, Aktion (DEU); Monarque (FRA); КМ – 914 (CZE); Wysor (USA); YEA389-3/YEA475-4//Victoria (SYR); high resistance to lodging – Ihor, Aivenho, Strimkyi (UKR); Nektaria, Salamandra, Cartel, (FRA); Maskara, Wintmalt, Maybrit, Existenz (DEU); Grecale (ITA); Vixen (GBR); increased productive and adaptive potential – Selena star, Strimkyti, Aivenho, Ihor (UKR); Cartel, Salamandra, Nektaria (FRA); Wintmalt, Maskara (DEU); Michailo/Dobrinya, Grivita/CWB117-5-9-5 (SYR).
Key words: winter barley, genetic sources, productivity, adaptability, disease resistance, lodging resistance.
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