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Biological peculiarities of development and harmfulness of green apple aphid (Aphis pomi deg) in the conditions of commercial apple tree planting of the scientific and production department of Uman National University of Horticulture
The studies carried out during 2016-2017 found that the development of eggs of the overwintered green apple aphid, began in the first-second decade of March at an average daily temperature of + 50 °C. The overwintered eggs have a darker color, unlike eggs that have frozen out. The beginning of the exit of larvae from eggs begins in the second decade of April, when the sum of effective temperatures above + 5 °С is 37,5-39,3 °C. The duration of the exit of larvae from the wintering eggs ranged from 12 to 14 days. The end of the larvae exit in 2017 took place on April 28 and in 2016 – on April 23, the sum of effective temperatures at that time was 87,2 and 78,1 °C respectively. The longer larvae exit in 2017 can be explained by the fact that in March and the first half of April the average monthly temperature was somewhat lower than in 2016. The appearance of stem mothers was observed in the first decade of May, the sum of effective temperatures at that time was 125,7-141,1 °C. Life duration of stem mothers depended on the average daily temperature and varied over the research years from 24 days in 2017 to 27 days in 2016. It was established that during its life the stem mother regenerate 43-55 larvae, from which after 11-18 days wingless and winged female settlers develop.
The beginning of the appearance of winged female settlers of green apple aphid falls on the second to third decade of May and the sum of effective temperatures is 161,3-175,3 °С. The earliest appearance of winged females was observed on May 17, 2017, at a sum of effective temperatures of 161,3 °С. In 2016 the appearance of winged females was observed five days later than in 2017, namely on May 22, the sum of effective temperatures at that time was 175,3 °C.
In September-October winged forms of aphids appear, which inhabit the apple trees. These aphids regenerate larvae, which turn to amphigonic (oviposition) females and males. After pairing, the females lay their wintering eggs.
The emergence of wintering eggs was observed in the second decade of September at the sum of effective temperatures 2124,5 and 2251,7 °C respectively.
The analysis of the dynamics of apple tree population with green apple aphid showed that the number of aphids in agrocenosis is not constant, but changes significantly during the growing season, reaching its maximum in August.
The largest population of shoots with aphid during the years of research was observed in 2016 in August – 42 colonies and in September – 38 colonies per 100 shoots. In 2017 these figures were smaller and constituted 36 and 31 colonies respectively.
The harmfullness of the green apple apple is manifested:
- in reducing the leaf area, the largest leaf area was observed in the check variant – 28,9 cm². With the appearance and compacting of aphid colonies on shoots, the leaf area was reduced. Thus, with the number of 20 colonies per 100 shoots, the assimilation surface of the leaf decreased by 15,9 %, with 30 colonies by 21,1 % and the smallest area was 18,6 cm² or 35,6 % before control was obtained in the variant with the largest number of colonies per 100 shoots in the experiment, namely – 50 pcs.;
- in reducing the average weight of fruit, the highest average weight of the fruit of the Idared species on the rootstock
M 26 was obtained under control and amounted to 153,5 gr. in 2016 and 164,3 gr. in 2017, which averaged 158,9 gr. The maximum fruit weight reduction – 22,8 % before the control was observed at the number of 50 apple colonies per 100 shoots.
Key words: green apple aphid, developmental biology, sum of effective temperatures, harmfulness, commercial apple tree planting.
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