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Biological and productive qualities of sugar beet depending on seed preparation
The effectiveness of the implementation of the latest techniques of sugar beets is provided by high-quality seed material. It is not only the carrier of productive qualities, but also an important element of the cultivation techniques. Seed quality is determined by the set of genetic factors which are formed by the breeders and controlled by the agrotechnical conditions of cultivation and methods of post-harvest and pre-seedbed preparation of the seed material using modern techniques. The main indicator of seed quality in sugar beets is the intergrowth and germination ability of the seeds, as the level of the field germination rate depends on it and, consequently, to sugar beet productivity.
One of the effective ways to reduce labor costs and increase sugar beet yield is using seeds with improved physical and mechanical properties, which is provided by seed polishing, size grading, encrusting and pelleting.
Pelleting and encrusting as methods of pre-seeding preparation have been introduces quite recently and are widely used. Reserch is underway to improve pelleting and encrusting machine constructions, improve physical and mechanical properties of the seedshell and ways of components application, as well as general seed quality.
Currently, almost all sugar beet-producing countries of Western Europe use only pelleted or encrusted seeds for planting.
In Ukraine, despite the widespread introduction of pelleted seeds in sugar beet production, in the 1970s the hybrids, bred on the basis of cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) replaced sugar beets. Currently all the modern techniques of pre-seeding preparation are underused and need to be improved.
Therefore, it is of vital importance to study the features of formation of crop triploid MS hybrid of sugar beet in certain soil and climatic conditions depending on seed preparation techniques.
The aim of the study was to establish the biological characteristics of seeds and productive qualities of pelleted and encrusted seeds of different fractions of MS hybrid of sugar beet depending on its preparation technique. The study was carried out in 2014-2015 on the research field of Research Centre of Bila Tserkva National Agrarian university. The land area was 25 m2, with four-time frequency.
The study scheme included the following options: 1) treated seeds (fraction of 4.5-5.5 mm)-(control); 2) encrusted seeds (fraction of 4.5-5.5 mm); 3) encrusted seeds (fraction of 3.5-4.5 mm); 4) pelleted seeds (fraction of 3.0-3.5 mm); 5) pelleted seeds (fraction of 3.6-4.0 mm); 6) pelleted seeds (fraction of 4.0-4.5 mm).
During the research the sugar beet biological characteristics and productivity depending on seed fraction were defined. It was found that the quality of the pelleted and encrusted seeds depends on the size of the technological fractions.
It was proved that due to high energy of intergrowth and germination – above 90 % – seed fraction of 3.5-4.5 mm did not provide the necessary field ascent rate.
The preparation technique of pelleted and encrusted seeds of large fractions of MS hybrid of sugar beet ensures its laboratory germination, aligning and monogermity at the level of 90 % and more, field germination of 71-80 %, sugar yield – 9.5-10.5 t/ha.
Key words: sugar beet, pelleted seeds, incrusted seeds, triploid hybrids, seed fraction, seed germination.
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