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Bioenergy assessment of tomato cultivation and nutrition systems methods

Bioenergy efficiency ratios (BER) for growing Chayka tomato variety in crop rotation of constant crop and under or rotation interrupting with different systems of nutrition in rainfed conditions of the Right-Bank of the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine has been defined. These calculations indicate that the most efficient organo-mineral nutrition system provides yield and quality of vegetable production, thereby increasing the yield accumulated energy.

The results of the studies have found that tomato cultivation for food in the control (without fertilizer) without interrupting the permanent link of the four-year rotation contributed to the accumulation of yield accumulated energy of 7758 MJ/ha, the total energy cost are 85,752 MJ/ha, the rate of bioenergy efficiency was 0.69. The total energy consumption for permanent growing amounted to 72,601 MJ/ha; the energy stored in economically valuable part of the crop was 6873 MJ/ha, bioenergy efficiency rate – 0.72. For one-year interrupted growing in permanent link rotation energy costs are 77,325 MJ/ha the crop accumulated energy thus is equal to 7750 MJ/ha and bioenergy efficiency ratio made 0.77. The highest bioenergy efficiency rate of the control variant is – 0.82 for the two-year interruption of permanent link rotation, while the total energy consumption amounted to 80,541 MJ/ha with the crop accumulated energy of 8632 MJ/ha.

Applying organic fertilizers in the permanent growing resulted in the the lowest coefficient of bioenergy efficiency – 1.05; the total energy consumption amounted to 74,651 MJ/ha, and the yield accumulated energy made 10,254 MJ/ha. Applying biennial rotation in permanent cultivation units contributed to 1.10 increase in bioenergy efficiency coefficient, in the total energy consumption – 82,591 MJ/ha; in the yield stored energy – 11,872 MJ/ha.

Total energy consumption level under interrupted with one-year rotation were 79375 MJ/ha; yield stored energy – 11970 MJ/ha and bioenergy efficiency ratio – 1.15. The highest bioenergetic efficiency in the organic supply interruption was noted in a four-level rotation – 1.21, while the total energy consumption increased slightly – to 87,802 MJ/ha and the yield accumulated energy made the highest rate – 13837 MJ/ha.

In the mineral supply system under permanent cultivation the total energy consumption amounted to 73,771 MJ/ha with yield energy accumulated of 11107 MJ/ha and bioenergy efficiency ratio of 1.15. Improving the bioenergy efficiency was noted under permanent growing interruption with one-year link rotation – 1.23; with the total energy costs of 81,711 MJ/ha and the yield stored energy of – 13150 MJ/ha.

For one-year interruption of the crop rotation the bioenergy efficiency ratio rose to 1.29, the yield accumulated energy amounted to 13,163 MJ/ha with the total energy costs of 78,495 MJ/ha. The highest bioenergy efficiency rate in the system of mineral nutrition was obtained under growing in the four-year interruption of the permanent rotation – 1.31, total expenses were 86,922 MJ/ha, and the yield accumulated energy 14,793 MJ/ha.

The highest rate of bioenergy assessment was noted under combined organic and mineral fertilizers, namely: the two-year rotation link (yield stored energy – 16,415 MJ/ha, total expenses – 83,761 MJ/ha, bioenergy efficiency ratio – 1.50); for permanent cultivation ((yield stored energy – 15,041 MJ/ha, total expenses - 75,821 MJ/ha, bioenergy efficiency ratio –1.52); under the four-year rotation link ((yield stored energy – 17806 MJ/ha, total expenses – 88,972 MJ/ha bioenergy efficiency ratio – 1.54)
and the lowest bioenergy efficiency rate is observed for one-year interruption of the rotation – 1.57, the (yield stored energy was 16468 MJ/ha, with total expenses of 80,545 MJ/ha.

It has been found out on the grounds of the results found that introducing organic fertilizer with interruption of a monoculture with one- and two-year rotation element increases the yield and quality of vegetable production, thereby increasing yield stored energy. Therefore, it is an energy-saving element in tomato growing technology.

The elements of tomato growing technology suggested in highly specialized farms (introducing short crop rotation links and organic mineral supply system in vegetables growing) has BER of 1.50-1.57, that is, the crop yield accumulated energy exceeds the amount of energy spent on it formation.

Key words: Joule, tomato, crop rotation, fertilizers, bioenergetic efficiency ratio.



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