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The present study was aimed to investigate in vitro antimicrobial activity of ethanolic extracts of seventeen species of Sansevieria genus [Sansevieria canaliculata Carrière, S. trifasciata Prain, S. cylindrica Bojer ex Hook., S. parva N.E.Br.,
S. fischeri (Baker) Marais, S. kirkii Baker, S. aethiopica Thunb., S. metallica Gérôme & Labroy, S. caulescens N.E.Br.,
S. francisii Chahin, S. arborescens Cornu ex Gérôme & Labroy, S. volkensii Gürke, S. forskaliana (Schult. & Schult.f.) Hepper & J.R.I.Wood, S. gracilis N.E.Br., S. hyacinthoides (L.) Druce, S. roxburghiana Schult. & Schult.f., S. suffruticosa N.E.Br.] against Escherichia coli (ATCC 25922). The crude extracts were screened for antimicrobial activity using agar diffusion method. All the extracts showed variable degree of diameters of zone inhibition against tested bacterium. Therefore, the results revealed the antimicrobial potential of these extracts. In fact, the test organism was susceptible to extracts of
S. kirkii, S. arborescens, S. roxburghiana, S. francisii, S. forskaliana, S. cylindrica, S. trifasciata, S. canaliculata, S. caulescens, S. metallica, S. aethiopica with diameters of inhibition zone from 12 to 24 mm. E. coli isolate was resistant only to
S. hyacinthoides extract and the diameter of zone inhibition around the rest ranged from 8 to 10 mm. The ethanolic extracts obtained from leaves of S. kirkii, S. arborescens, S. roxburghiana, S. francisii, S. forskaliana, S. cylindrica, S. trifasciata,
S. canaliculata, S. caulescens, S. metallica, S. aethiopica possess antibacterial potency against E. coli isolates and may be used as natural antiseptics and antimicrobial agents in medicine.

Key words: Sansevieria, leaves, extract, antimicrobial activity, paper disc diffusion method.

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