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The analysis results of F1 and F2 Triticum aestivum L. on the manifestation of resistance to powdery mildew and septoria leaf blight

The article presents data on the degree and frequency of transgression in terms of main spike productivity in first and second generation hybrids. A study was conducted on plants F1 and F2 of different crossing groups using parental components of WRT carriers in hybridization. Every year (2016-2023) the V.M.Remeslo Myronivka Institute of Wheat generates 30 hybrid combinations comprising six varieties of soft winter wheat that act as carriers of wheat-rye translocations (WRT). These include «Ekspromt», «Zolotokolosa», «Columbia» (1AL.1RS) and «Kalynova», «Svitanok Mironivskyi», «Legenda Mironivska» (1BL.1RS). The research was carried out using various methods: selection (to obtain new breeding material for intercrop hybridization with subsequent selection of genotypes created with the participation of carriers of wheat-rye translocations 1AL/1RS and 1BL/1RS); field (phenological observations, assessment of resistance to leaf diseases in F1 and F2 parental forms); genetic (determination of patterns of resistance inheritance); mathematical and statistical (to analyze the research results at a reliable level). Hybrid combinations F1, F2 of different crossing groups were analyzed using parental components of PVT carriers in hybridization, where different degrees of phenotypic dominance in resistance to pathogens were found. The highest manifestation of the the heterosis trait (100%) or overdominance was observed in the group of crosses 1AL.1RS/1AL.1RS against Erysiphe graminis and Septoria tritici. Its decrease was observed in the following crosses: – 1AL.1RS/1BL.1RS – 20%, 1BL.1RS/1BL.1RS – 13.3%, 1BL.1RS/1AL.1RS – 10 %. Consequently, the genotypes in the pedigrees of which varieties with 1BL.1RS (1BL.RS/1BL.1RS, 1AL.1RS/1BL.1RS, 1BL.1RS 1AL.1RS) translocation were found to be significantly inferior to hybrids with 1AL.1RS translocation. However, in each crossing group, hybrids demonstrated heterosis or overdominance for these traits with levels ranging from 10 to 20%. The degree of upregulation of positive transgressive forms was found. In the second generation hybrids the degree of resistance to Erysiphe graminis ranged from 20 to 100%, while that to Septoria tritici varied from 66.7 to 93.3%. The degree of positive transgression for resistance to Erysiphe graminis and Septoria tritici in F2 of different crossing groups, where PZhT blocks were involved, was established by the resistance of wheat plant populations compared to parental components. Patterns identification of inheritance of the degree and frequency of transgression of the main selection traits in hybrid populations allow determining the selection value of the source material with subsequent selection.

Key words: hybrid, soft winter wheat, wheat-rye translocation, selection, variety, resistance, degree of dominance, transgression.


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