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Analysis of flora conditions and proposals on reconstruction of the area 7 of Alexandria dendropark of Ukraine NAS in view of setting an entertainment centre there

The paper deals with the analysis of flora conditions and proposals on reconstruction of the area 7 of Alexandria dendropark of Ukraine NAS in view of setting an entertainment centre there. We have found out that about 30 kinds of tree plants including a century years old  Pinus sylvestris L., P.strobus L., Picea abies (L.) Korst which determine the modern image of the area. The completeness of  two-tier plantings is 0,6-0,7, the age of most pine ordinary, pine black and fir ordinary trees is about 60 years that proves that they were planted in the middle of the last century.

We have suggested to do sanitary and landscape trees cutting. They should be done gradually, trying to preserve valuable species and a general image of the landscape.

In order to optimize the plantings new species of trees and bushes are suggested to plant. Some warnings on economic activity during the entertainment centre running.

Key words: dendroflora, dendropark, reconstruction, planting, landscape cutting trees, planting optimization, plants range, introducents, decorativeness.



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