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Agroclimatic conditions influence on sugar beets hybrids productivity

Potential yield of modern sugar beet hybrids root crops, taking into account the natural factors, is considered to be not less than 50,0 t/ha and the sugar content of 18.0 – 18.5 %, using seeds with germination rate of above 90 %, treated with protective stimulants to control pests and diseases during germination, the use of highly efficient energy-saving technologies based on the use of agrotechnical measures (crop rotation, fertilizer system, soil tillage system, sowing to final density), integrated pest and crop control during sugar beets vegetative period, stream or stream-transfer method of harvesting.
The experience shows that sugar beet hybrid productivity is determined to a great extend by the genetic information contained in the seed and by the environment conditions in which the plants grow. Therefore, the analysis of beet field crops depending on the hydrothermal conditions of the vegetation period in relation to a particular area of beet harvesting is relevant.
One of the features of the sugar beet crop is its long pre-germination period (the appearance of sprouts on the soil surface to the root moulting, which occurs in the second phase and ends in the phase of the 3rd pair of true leaves), which, depending on a number of reasons, can continue from 16-26 to 18-29 days or more. During this period of growth and development, the plants are the most vulnerable and accessible to all types of pests (beetroot weevils) and diseases (corn-cedars).
However, modern cultivation technologies, despite the constant improvement of their elements, remain inadequately adapted to objectively existing changes in the soil and climatic conditions. Therefore, successful improvement of zonal varieties of energy-saving technologies is impossible without the development of basic parameters for the formation of highly productive beet crops. The crops growth and productivity are carried out by the factors like the nature of the organism and the nature of the operating conditions. In this context, the formation of highly productive crops requires profound knowledge of not only the crop requirements to the external environment, but of the actions needed to affect the plant in order to maximize its biological capabilities as well. Therefore, the analysis of beet field crops in time depending on the hydrothermal conditions of the growing season in relation to a particular area of beet crop is relevant.
The aim of the research was to investigate the effect of varietal features on sugar beets growth, development and productivity depending on weather conditions. The experiments were carried out in 2016-2017 on the experimental field of the BNAU Scientific Center. The accounting area of the site was 25 m2 in the field experiments with fourfold replication. Seeds of various sugar beet hybrids (triploid – Olzhich, Etude, Zluk, and Diploid Constant, Anichka) of 3.5-4.5 mm fractions were used in the experiment with practically identical laboratory germination ranging 85-90 %. This made it possible to more objectively study the influence of varietal characteristics and hydrothermal conditions on sugar beet productivity.
Concluding the research described above, it can be stated that sugar beets productivity mostly depends on the weather conditions of the growing season and the high-grade features of the hybrid.
Growth and development of crops in different sugar beets hybrids during the entire growing season were uneven. A tendency towards more favourable germination of seeds and a more complete stacking density in triploid hybrids Anichka and Constant was noted.
During the research, the heterosis value was exhibited mostly in the Anichka triploid hybrid, where the average yield rate made 56.7 t/ha, sugar content of the root crops – 16.1 %, sugar harvest – 9.13 tons/ha and in the diploid Zluka with a yield rate of 56. 4 t/ha, sugar content of root crops – 16,3 %, sugar yield – 9.19 t/ha. These figures were lower in the Olzhich, Etude and Costanta hybrids. In all the studied hybrids the lowest yield of root crops was noted in 2017 for the density of plants standing before harvesting of 87-90 t/ha. The lowest sugar content was noted in 2016 for densities of 87-91 t/ha.
Key words: sugar beet, hybrids, field germination of seeds, sugar content, sugar yield.



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