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Agrobiological features of Highbush Blueberry varieties (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) woody stem cuttings breeding in the right bank of Steppe of Ukraine

Highbush blueberries perspective varieties planting material volumes and technology in Ukraine nurseries does not meet the needs of horticultural farms or farmers or gardeners lovers.

Culture and its highbush blueberry varieties introduction and their economic and biological characteristics and properties maintaining largely show the need and prospects lignified stem cuttings reproduction.

Research was focused on regularities subordinate root formation processes passage study that determine woody stem cuttings of the root system formation and the agricultural practices of individual varieties of seedlings growing blueberry (Vaccinium Corymbosum L.) improvement based on stem cutting technology in the agro-climatic conditions of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine.

Research object: the process of planting material blueberry quality creation, depending on the varieties, characteristics, shoots and timing of harvesting and biologically active substance KANO (10 % solution of potassium salt of α-naphthalene acetic acid ) cutting concentrations.

The subject was: own-rooted seedlings blueberry varieties cultivation in promising conditions for the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine – Blyukrop (Bluecrop), Blyugold (Bluegold), Duke (Duke), Darrow (Darroy), Elliot (Elliot), Spartan (Spartan), Toro (Toro). Researches were conducted in Uman National University of Horticulture, National Park arboretum "Sofievka" NAS and "Brusvyana" private enterprise nurseries.

It is found that blueberry varieties (Vaccinium Corymbosum L.) lignified stem cuttings has a low regenerative capacity, and their rooting depends on variety, planting and harvesting dates on escape rooting zone. It is shown that blueberry varieties stem cutting methods improvement can be achieved by inducing of rizogenesis woody stem cuttings activity of biologically - active substance auxin nature KANO with optimum application rate of 20-35 ml /l in the Right Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. Three-node cuttings and quadrangular, harvested from the basal part of the shoot, processing KANO aqueous solution at a concentration of 25-35 mg/l, rooted, depending on variety, within 88,2-95,3 %, which is 17,4-73,7% higher than the control experiment embodiment.

The optimum period of blueberry cuttings propagation organogenesis studied for woody stem cuttings, which coincides with deep rest mother plant (October-November, March) period. It is established that research varieties are characterized by high vegetative productivity, which is a biological basis of their own roots reproduction.

The number of woody stem cuttings internodes and nodes determine their regenerative capacity, a decrease in their number less than three or four accompanied by all parameters of root formation significant decrease. It is found that the highest regenerative capacity observed in cuttings from the basal part of the shoot harvested the lower – from the medial part cuttings, and the lowest - in the apical cuttings. The number of rooted, raw biologically -active agent KANO , quadrangular basal cuttings for example Blyukrop grade was 45.4, a three-node - 40.1, two nodes - 25.9 and 11.3% of single node. The number and length of adventitious roots was also significantly dependent on cutting type and 2-3 times higher than in a single-node variant of research and two nodes cuttings.

Blueberry seedlings varieties selection and cultivation is one of the important aspects of fruit growing in the forest-steppe zone of Ukraine. Their limited distribution mated with the biological characteristics of cultivation and breeding effective methods insufficient research. Therefore, agronomic method improvement is accelerated stem cuttings reproduction and has theoretical and practical importance.

Key words: highbush blueberry, varieties, stem cuttings. regeneration, root development, cuttings, cuttings terms, cuttings type.



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