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Agrobacterium-mediate transformation of sugar beet by in planta method
Sugar beet is one of the most important agricultural crops in Ukraine. While growing the sugar beet more than a half of all the expenses accounts for weed control. Yield losses are estimated at an average of 25-30%.
Nonselective herbicides are used for destruction of all kind of weeds on agricultural land. For this purpose such products as roundup, arsenal, basta are used.
Genetic engineering techniques have opened the possibility to insert into the sugar beet genes that provide new properties for this culture that previously could not be implemented in traditional breeding. Taking into consideration the variability of genotypes, low regeneration and transformation potential of beets, there are some difficulties for genetic engineering manipulations aimed at improving the genotype of the crop. Despite this, in recent years sugar beet plants resistant to herbicides were obtained.
As a result of conducted research the GM sugar beet lines resistant to herbicides and allowed to grow in the U.S., Japan, Australia, the Philippines, Canada and Russia were received by the Firm Monsanto. Line ACS-BVIII III 1−3 (T120−7 is resistant to the herbicide with the active ingredient phosphinothricin and line H7 -1 is resistant to the herbicide with the active ingredient glyphosate, obtained by the method of plants transformation with A. tumefaciens.
Currently in molecular plant biology more attention is paid to the development of methods of transformation, which help to prevent long-term manipulations with plants recipients. It is shown that it is possible to obtain transgenic plants without any treatments in vitro. In genetic transformation of plants natural system Ti- plasmid (tumor inducing) of soil agrobacteria Agrobacterium tumefaciens is used, that allows you to insert relatively large gene constructs in the genome of dicotyledonous and some monocotyledonous plants.
Bechtold and co-authors proposed a transformation method, called in planta. This method is based on vacuum infiltration of a suspension of Agrobacterium tumefaciens with plant recipient. Modification of the method is inoculation of plant recipients flowers with the suspension Agrobacterium, containing surfactant Silwet L- 77.
Research objective was transformation plants of sugar beet in planta method and get the forms of sugar beet resistance to the herbicide with the active ingredient phosphinothricin.
The following tasks were set for the achievement of the objectives: 1) to optimize conditions of Agrobacterium-mediated transformation in planta; 2) conduct analysis resistance to the herbicide received sugar beet forms.
For transformation they used the strain Agrobacterium tuimfaciens LBA4404 with a plasmid containing the bar-gene that determines resistance to the herbicide with the active ingredient phosphinothricin - Basta. Plasmid has selective antibiotic resistance genes and placed under 35S CaMV promoter of cauliflower mosaic virus.
As a recipient sterile parent forms of hybrids of sugar beet Abatysa, Avtorytetnyi and Avatar were taken. Taken sterile form, it gives an opportunity to control the process pollination and fertilization these forms by isolating and subsequent pollination. So, for Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of plants flowers with bisexual, using sterile form, that gives the opportunity process synchronize fertilization and the embedding into genome of the plants T-DNA.
5 plants of the hybrid Abatysa, 4 plants of the hybrid Avtorytetnyi and 4 plants of the hybrid Avatar totally survived. Accordingly, the frequency of transformation was the following: Abatysa - 1.4; Avtorytetnyi - 1.3, Avatar - 1.4.
To study the inheritance of genetically modified sign, beet plant resistance to the herbicide with the active ingredient phosphinothricin, the crossing of the derived forms was made.
After pollination of resistant sterile plants with not resistant to the herbicide sterile binder 68 resistant plants of the hybrid Abatysa, 58 resistant plants of the hybrid Avtorytetnyi and 64 resistant plants of the hybrid Avatar were obtained.
It has been shown that transgenic sugar beet plants phenotypically did not differ from normal plants (non-transgenic). It means that inserted into the genome of plant construction bar has no effect on the expression of functional and structural genes of plants.
Key words: sugar beet, phosphinothricin, agrobacterium, transformation, in planta method.
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