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The adaptive properties of varieties of spring triticale under the Eastern Forest steppes of Ukraine

Cultivation of spring triticale is essential for the stability of food grains. This crop has low demands on predecessors, soil conditions, has the technical and feeding value of the grain. These characteristics allow the use of cultivated areas, which are not suitable for growing wheat. But the yield of spring triticale can vary significantly year after year. In the Eastern Forest steppes of Ukraine the main limiting factor for spring crops are spring and summer repeated droughts. Recently, manufacturers of crop production face the negative impact of climate change. Thus, breeding spring triticale varieties adapted to abiotic environmental factors with high genetic yield potential is rather topical.
The aim of our research was to determine the adaptive properties of spring triticale varieties in the Eastern Forest steppes of Ukraine and to provide them with a valuable breeding genotypes that are able to generate high yields consistently.
The research was conducted in 2012-2016 in the conditions of the Eastern Forest Steppe zone of Ukraine. To assess the ecological plasticity and yield stability we used the variance and regression analysis. Adaptability characteristics – general adaptive ability (GAA), variance of specific adaptive ability (SAA), relative stability (Sgi), genotype breeding value (GBV) and the rate of compensation (Kgi) were determined by the method proposed by A.B. Kilchevsky, P.V. Hotyleva. The research years differed significantly by temperature and precipitations. In 2013, heavy drought accompanied the entire growing season, and in 2015 the period of crops earing was  dry. In 2014 and 2016 long periods of overwetting were observed.
The most favorable for the yield formation were the weather conditions in 2014. The varieties yield ranged from 5.13 t/ha to 6.36 t/ha, depending on the variety. The varieties formed the lowest yield in dry conditions in 2013 1.35-2.45 t/ha.
The highest yield had varieties Zlit kharkivs’kiy (4.48 t/ha), Husar kharkivs’kiy (4.48 t/ha), Boryviter kharkivs’kiy (4.46 t/ha) and Darhliba kharkivs’kiy (4.31 t/ha) in average for the research years. Among them, the least respond to changing environmental conditions was in Zlit kharkivs’kiy variety (bi = 0,84), and Boryviter kharkivs’kiy  variety was more malleable (bi = 1.01). These varieties had a high rate of general adaptive ability.
The variety of Zlit kharkivs’kiy had a lower reta of SAA (0.72), i.e. fluctuations for years were insignificant at high average yield. In the favorable years the yield did not increase as much as in other genotypes. Yield stability of Zlit kharkivs’kiy variety is also confirmed by an indicator of relative stability Sgi (18.9 %), which was the lowest among all the studied genotypes. Compensation ratio is Kgi = 0.37, at least among the studied varieties. This certifies that this variety has  compensation effects and increased productivity under poor conditions. That is, there is no significant yield reduction under adverse conditions. Zlit kharkivs’kiy variety is advisable to grow under unstable conditions with frequent droughts, where it will provide higher yield as compared to other varieties.
Lebid’ kharkivs’kiy variety has the highest rate of specific adaptive ability among the varieties, it is malleable (bi = 1,01), has an increased average yield by the research years (4.95 t/ha). This means that under favorable conditions for growth and development it will generate the highest yield, as was observed in 2014. But under growing conditions worsening there is a great probabikity of significant reduction in productivity.
Genotype breeding value (GBV) takes into account both the yield and its stability. The highest value of GBV had variety Zlit kharkivs’kiy (2.92), this variety had higher average productivity rate that was consistently shaped by years of the research. The high rate of GBV were also in Darhliba kharkivs’kiy, Boryviter kharkivs’kiy, Volia kharkivs’ka and Husar kharkivs’kiy varieties (GBV = 2.31-2.55). These varieties have high yield potential, manifested in favorable conditions and have the ability to withstand dry conditions. At severe shortage of water in 2013 the varieties yield was higher than 2 t/ha (from 2.18 t/ha to 2.45 t/ha).
Zlit kharkivs’kiy, Darhliba kharkivs’kiy, Boryviter kharkivs’kiy, Volia kharkivs’ka and Husar kharkivs’kiy varieties have high rates of genotype breeding value. They combine high productivity with the stability when grown in different conditions. Therefore, these varieties are more suitable for growing in the areas of unstable humidity, which is the eastern part of the Forest Steppe and Steppe Ukraine. The varieties are highly valuable for breeding as a source of high adaptive ability.
Key words: spring triticale, yield, adaptability, stability, drought-resistance, variety.

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