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Adaptation of regenerated strawberry plants to ex vitro using biological preparations
Growing fruits, including strawberry (Fragaria ananassa Duch.), for obtaining fresh, frozen and sublimated organic products is important nowadays. The technology of plants clonal micropropagation in vitro is used for obtaining vigor strawberries planting material at the industrial scale in Ukraine recently. A number of external and internal factors affects the process of plant-regenerants adaptation to ex vitro. This process is the final, critical and most difficult stage in the clonal micropropagation. One of these factors is morbidity of fungal etiology, including: powdery mildew, anthracnose, white, gray and root rot caused by pathogens of genera Fusarium, Rhizoctonia, Alternaria, Verticillium. This results in destruction of plant-regenerants at their adaptation and causes the planting material injury. Biological preparations, based on the microorganisms that have plant protection and grows properties and increase plant resistance to adverse environmental conditions have been developed recently. Some scientists studied the efficacy of bacteria strains of genera Bacillus and Pseudomonas since PGPR-bacteria protects the strawberries from fungal infections. Their using promoted the number of available forms of phosphorus, better plant growth and development, improved of yield of strawberries fruit. The positive effect of biological preparations on the berries adaptation at clonal reproduction was experimentally confirmed. It formed the basis of the original way of the plants ex vitro adapting. However, the adaptation of vigor berriy plants in Ukraine to both non-sterile and conditions of open ground, are not investigated profoundly.
The research aimed to study the impact of biological preparations Fitotsyd, FitoHelp, Tryhodermin and Planryz on the processes of rooting and survival of regenerated strawberry plants during their adaptation to non-sterile conditions.
The research was conducted in the laboratory of plant biotechnology of the ecobiotechnology and biodiversity department of NULES. The clones of the strawberry variety Alina (C-4, C-5, C-6) that were grown in vitro on medium MS, supplemented with
1.0 mg/l BAP, 1.0 mg/l indole butyric acid, 0.1 mg/l gibberellins as experimental plants were used. The biological preparations Fitotsyd (standard, on the base of Bacillus subtilis, with titre 1×109 CFU/sm3, Ukraine), FitoHelp (based on Bacillus spp., with titre 4×109 CFU/sm3, Ukraine), Tryhodermin (based on Trichoderma lignorium, with titre 2×109 CFU/sm3, Ukraine) and Planryz (based on Pseudomonas fluorescence, with titre 5×109 CFU/sm3, Ukraine) on the phase of plants rooting in vivo were tested. Cultures of the fungus genus Trihoderma were provided by the laboratory of microbiological method of the plant protection of Institute of Plant Protection NAAS of Ukraine, which were produced by a standard deep technology. Regenerated plants with the formed root system, which had 4-6 roots of 20-25 mm length, and stems with developed leaf plates, were adapted to ex vitro. The root system was carefully washed from the agar residues, washed with distilled water and 1% solution of potassium permanganate. The roots were dipped into solution of biologics for several hours. As a control, the plant roots soaked in water were used. The plants were planted out in sterile substrate (a mixture of soil, peat and perlite in a ratio of 1: 1: 1), covered with glass cylinder and cultured under conditions of controlled light conditions in the room with the photoperiod of 16 h., at 25 ± 2ºC, at light 2.5 th. lux. We determined the number and length of stems and roots. The experiment was repeated 5-6 times.
The study of the biological preparations effectiveness at adapting strawberries in vivo conditions with artificial soil infection by mixture of micromycetes of the genus Rhizoctonia were conducted with the methods recognized in plant pathology. Statistical data analyses were conducted in the Microsoft Excel package.
Analysis of morphometric parameters showed that using biological preparations contributed to the formation of new shoots and leaves accelerated the process of the development of the root system. Biological preparations increased significantly the yield of viable plants.
Using conidia and mycelium Trichoderma lignorium suspension was the best variant compared with the control and standard (acceptability of plants regenerates was in averaged – 92.4-97.3 %). In this case, there was a significant effect of growth promotion: height of plant shoots increased by 40-55 %, and the total length of roots – by 40-48 %. Using Fitotsyd, FitoHelp and Planryz also contributed to the increase in the acceptability of plants during their adaptation, respectively, by 18-26 %, 13-16 % and 17-21 %. All the coefficients were reliable on significance level of p> 0.05 %.
Strawberry is a crop which is one of the most sensitive to soil diseases caused by micromycetes of genera Fusarium, Verticillium, Cylindrocarpon, Pythium, Botrytis, Rhizoctonia. Pathogenic fungi of the genus Rhizoctonia is the main and most aggressive pathogens to rooting fruits. Plants infestation with agents of root rot during the rooting causes deterioration of the planting material quality, negative impact on their acceptability at the adapting to the open ground. Studies on defining the biologics efficacy under artificial infestation of the soil with micromycets of genus Rhizoctonia showed that using Tryhodermin, Fitotsyd, FitoHelp and Planryz increased the plant resistance to diseases (compared with the control the number of affected plants decreased by 26.5-38.7 %). The largest adapted plants output was observed in the variant with Tryhodermin. The impact of C-4, C-5 and C-6 clones of cultivar Alina genetic characteristics on the regenerated plants rooting processes were not found during testing the biological preparations. The genotypes had better adaptation at the application of biological products in all variants.
Using Tryhodermin, Fitotsyd, FitoHelp and Planryz at the strawberry plants adapting to ex vitro provided increase in the number of adapted plants by 17-28 % on average, activation of the development of new shoots and leaves, the root system formation acceleration, increase plant resistance to soil pathogens of genus Rhizoctonia spp.
Key words: strawberry, micropropagation, adaptation to ex vitro, biological preparations.
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