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The accumulation of carbohydrates in the ontogenesis of white lupine for using ryzobofits and plant growth regulators

The actual problem of Ukraine nowadays is biologization of agricultural production. One of the ways to solve it may be using of the biological products based on the active strains. The activation of plant-microbial interactions is a powerful factor of increasing the productivity of agrocenosis. Although it is not used in agricultural practice. An important type of such interaction is legume-ryzobialnyy symbiosis.

Among the variety of legumes white lupine takes an important place. Initially it was grown as an ornamental plant and later as a green manure crop. The productive value of white lupine has grown especially after the breeding of bezalkaloyid varieties that are suitable for using in animal feed and food industry.

However with breeding of new varieties of intensive type there is a need to improve technological methods of cultivation of white lupine, considering its biological characteristics that directly affect the yield and quality of leafy weight and grain, that is relevant and requires scientific justification in the Forest zone of the Western Ukraine .

In recent years in Ukraine and abroad was created a number of plant growth regulators (PGR) of a new generation which are widely used in agriculture. They increase the resistance of plants to adverse factors of natural or anthropogenic origin: critical temperature extremes , moisture deficiency , toxic pesticides , defeat disease and pest damage .

The results of researches and productive tests indicate that the usage of PGR in agriculture is one of the most affordable and highly profitable agricultural ways to increase crop productivity and improve their qualities.

The effect of some growth regulators on the productivity of nitrogenfixed symbioses was studied in the experiments with peas, alfalfa, soybeans. Scientists have shown that the usage of PGR increases the crop yield and their resistance to pests and diseases.

The aim was to determine the influence of pre-sowing seed treatment ryzobofitom from Bradyrhizobium sp. (Lupinus) strains 367a and 5500 /4, PGR Stimpo, Rehoplant and their compositions on the accumulation of restoration , mono -and ketosugar in leaves of white lupine varieties of Diet and Serpnevy during the plant ontogenesis.

The research was conducted with plants of white lupine (Lupinus albus L.) varieties of Diet and Serpnevy ( derived in NSC " Institute of Agriculture of NAAS of Ukraine ").

Ryzobofit was made at the Institute of Agricultural Microbiology and agricultural production NAAS of Ukraine (Chernihiv) . The basis of the creation of preparations PGR Rehoplant and Stimpo (manufacturer BF ISTC " Agrobiotech ") is the synerhiynyy effect of interaction between products of biotech cultivation of fungus Micromycetes that was extracted from ginseng root and preparations of the metabolic products of Streptomyces avermitilis.

The field experiments were laying on a grey forest soil plots of Kremenets Botanical Garden with the grades same scheme: 1 version – control, the seed is not treated , 2 – inoculated seeds before sowing by ryzobofitom from Bradyrhizobium sp. (Lupinus) strain 367th (default ), 3 – ryzobofit , strain 5500 /4 , 4 – seeds treated before sowing by PGR Rehoplant 5 – PGR Stimpo 6 – ryzobofit , 367th + PGR Rehoplant 7 – ryzobofit , 367th + PGR Stimpo ; 8 – ryzobofit , 5500 /4 + PGR Rehoplant 9 – ryzobofit , 5500 /4 + PPP Stimpo.

The carbohydrate contents were calculated in mg/100g of dry substance by determination of reducing sugar micromethod. The indicators were established during the periods of onset and passing fenophases: stalking, budding, flowering and green beans. Statistical analysis of the results of studies was performed using Microsoft Office Excel.

The carbohydrates are important structural components of plant cell, the main source of energy for its life processes , perform an essential role as intermediate products of many biochemical cycles that determine their fundamental importance in the processes of plant growth and development. They play an important role in the adaptive reactions of the organism to the adverse environmental factors of environment ( low temperature and drought ). The exchange of carbohydrates, their conversion and connection with other substances is an integral part of the overall metabolism of plant organism.

The researches have shown that carbohydrates (saccharides recovery, mono-and ketosugar) in leaves of white lupine are largely dependent on the varietal characteristics of plants, stages of ontogenesis and seed pre-treatment by biological agents.

It was found that the leaves of both varieties of white lupine are more accumulated than in the phase of stalking. In the ontogenesis of plants the amount of studied forms of carbohydrates decreased due to the redistribution of organic substance in the generative organs.

In the budding phase in the accumulation of monosaccharides in the leaves of plants a similar pattern was observed with the phase of stalking. The most intensive accumulation on renewable and ketosugar was affected by the preplant treatment of seeds by ryzobofit composition , strain 5500/ 4 + PGR Rehoplant that 14.10 % (sort of Diet ) and 24.64 % (sort Serpnevy ) respectively more controlled.

During the flowering phase the content of the aforementioned forms of carbohydrate in the leaves of both varieties of white lupine also decreased but a similar pattern in their accumulation was observed in comparison with the stalking phase.

In the phase of green bean the carbohydrate amount in the leaves of plants was the lowest. In this phase of plant growth and development the most effectively influenced on the accumulation of carbohydrates the monocultivation of PGR Rehoplant seeds.

In the Ukrainian Western forest the influence of seed treatment by ryzobofit was researched on the basis of Bradyrhizobium sp. (Lupinus) 367a strain, 5500/4a, and plant growth regulators Stimpo, Rehoplant and their compositions on the content of carbohydrates in the Lupinus albus L. leaves of Diet and Serpnevy sorts is investigated. It was shown that seed treatment by plant growth regulators and their compositions with ryzobofit contributes the most significantly to the accumulation of mono-, keto-and renewable saccharides in the leaves of stalking phase.

Key words: Lupinus albus, plant growth regulators, ryzobofit, carbohydrates.



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