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Ultra-fast growing soybeans features of leaf area formation and photosynthetic potential

The study of individual productivity elements does not provide a holistic view of the formation and implementation of the biological potential of soy as a whole. It is the development of integrated assessment methods and modeling all performance varieties that allow conducting multivariate analysis and developing efficient models – effective not only in the experiment conditions, but further under the industrial conditions as well. Consequently, the use of modern elements of cultivation technology and the appropriate selection of soybean varieties avoids additional costs to ensure the formation of an additional crop and fully disclose crops biological potential.
The purpose of the research was to study the biological features of ultra-fast-growing soybeans growth and development and their productivity formation.
Experimental researches were carried out during 2014-2016 on the experimental field of "Bogdan and K" private farm, which is located in the Popel`nyky` village, Snyatyns`ky District, Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast.
During the research, special and general research methods were used, and cultivation technology was common for the region.
We investigated the effect of row spacing (15 and 45 cm), seed sowing standards (600 and 800 thousand pieces/ha), and the sowing term (April 20, May 1 and May 10) on the photosynthetic parameters of Diona, Alliance and Aurora soybean ultra-fast growing varieties while carrying out the tasks.
Formation of the assimilation (leaf) surface of soybeans depends not only on the biological characteristics of the variety, but on many other factors and cultivation as well. Diona soybean variety, on average, at the time of flowering had a leaf area of 40.9 thousand m2/ha, at the time of beans formation – 43.4 and at the time of ripening – 38.4 thousand m2/ha. For the Alliance variety, the indices of the leaf area in the corresponding phenological stages of growth and development were 41.9, 44.4 and 39.0 thousand m2/ha, and for the Aurora variety – 42.6, 45.1 and 39.7 thousand m2/ha.
On the basis of our research, we have established that the maximum area of the leaf surface of the soybean plant was shaped in the phase of beans formation – 44.3 thousand m2/ha, while in the flowering phase it was 41.8 thousand m2/ha, and at the time of ripening – 39.0 thousand m2/ha. The maximum indices of the leaf surface area in all the studied soybeans varieties, with 45 cm rows, were in the variants with a seed rate of 600 thousand pieces/ha and a sowing date of May 1 – 44.2-48.6 thousand m2/ha.
The results of determining the factors share influence on the area of the leaf surface of soybean crops indicate that one of the main factors in the formation of a sufficient leaf surface area  at the time of the formation of beans is the weather conditions of the year (20.8 %) and the seeding norm (22.4 %). In addition, important factors in the formation of the area of the leaf surface are the factors of sowing (16.7 %) and width (16.6 %), while biological characteristics of the varieties make only 8.3 % of the magnitude of this trait manifestation.
It has been established that in the flowering phase for rows of 15 cm and seeding standards of 600 thousand pounds per hectare and the sowing date on May 1, the Diona variety had a photosynthetic potential at the level of 0.87 million m2/ha, it was 0.83 million m2/ha for the Alliance variety and 0.82 for the Aurora variety. Under the same experimental variants, and the norm of sowing 800 thousand pcs/ha, the photosynthetic potential was 0.89, 0.83 and 0.83 thousand pounds/ha respectively.
Key words: soybeans, economic-valuable signs, ultra-fast growing varieties, leaf area, photosynthetic potential.

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