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Increasing of the potato tubers commercial quality and yield under application of Planriz with Ridomil Gold MZ combination
Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is diseased by large number of bacterial and fungal pathogens during the growing season. It reduces the tubers quality. Sustainable protection of potatoes during the growing season does not guarantee disease-free (without latent infection) bubbles with good preservation. Mixed application of biopesticides and chemical pesticides increases preservation, potatoes safety and environmental chemical protection from diseases.
World practice shows that prolonged using of chemicals preparations results in their accumulation in the soil, in the plants and thus causes resistant strains of pathogens formation, reduces the number of the stable soil microbial physiological groups, changes in the dominant species, disturbance of biomes structure and reduces their ability to self-regulation. Some research on biological preparates and growth regulators showed that their efficiency in combination with chemical protection agents may increase. There is not enough data on effectiveness of combined fungicides and biological preparates use in potatoes agrocenosis in the scientific literature.
The aim of research was to study the effect of combined using of Planryz and Rydomil Gold for improving marketable quality and potato tubers for 2 landing terms yield of Lviv region.
The plants were sprayed directly before planting, and then during budding - flowering by water solution (3 ml/l) based on the strains of bacteria Pseudomonas fluorescens AP-33 (Planryz – biopreparation) and 0.5-0.6 % solution – based on fungicide metalaxyl-M and mankotseb (Rydomil Gold MC 68WG) (two planting dates – 27-30 April and 12-15 May). The experiments were conducted with varieties of Lily and Skarbnitsya according to the scheme: 1) control – no treatment, 2) biological control – bacteria Bacillus subtilis (biopreparation Fitotsyd 2.0 l/ha) variants 3,4,5,6). Treatment by solution based on the bacteria Pseudomonas fluorescencs AP-33 (Planryz in concentration of 1.0; 1.5; 2.0; 2.5 l/ha), 7) chemical control – Rydomil Gold 2.5 l/ha; 8) processing by mixture based on bacteria strains Pseudomonas fluorescens AR-33 and a chemical fungicide Rydomil Gold at the rate of (2.0 + 2.5 l/ha).
The study was conducted in 4 districts of Lviv region, which differ in their soil and climatic conditions: Zone West Polesie (Radekhiv district); West zone steppe, Zhovkva district; Carpathian Foothills area, Stryj district; Carpathian, Skole district.
Application of compatible solution based on the bacteria strains Pseudomonas fluorescens AP-33 (biopreparation Planryz) and Rydomilu Gold in Western Forest Steppe of Lviv region in two planting dates contributed to formation of more marcetable tubers (accordingly 85.3 % versus 73.4 % in control variant, separately by Planryz – 81.6 % and Rydomilom Gold – 80.6 %). Non-standard crop part was smaller than other variants due to the formation of diseased tubers (accordingly 3.1 % versus 3.3-10.6 % as compared with the Rydomil Gold), and small tubers (11.7 % against 14.1 %). The highest yield in Western Forest Steppe among the variants was at the application of Planryz and Rydomilu Gold composition for concentration 2.0+ 2.5 l/ha (39.7 t/ha against 30,3-37,2 t/ha in others variants).
The potato yield at the second planting term in all variants was lower than in the first (on average within 23,2-39,6 t/ha), but the marketability of tubers in the application mix of Planryz and Rydomilu Gold was also higher (82.5 % against 73.7 % in the variant with single Rydomilom Gold) and the number of diseased and small tubers was smaller accordingly in 2.7 and 1.3 times.
Similar regularities were observed on the effectiveness of combined using Planryz and Rydomilu Gold on potato yield and its structure compared with the use of a single fungicide and landing for a second term in West zone steppe, Carpathian Foothills area, and Carpathian of Lviv region. The population density in soil of pathogens Fusarium, Alternaria genus was decreased; the total number of bacteria, micromycetes Trichoderma spp. was increased at the application mix of Planryz and Rydomil Gold. Biologically active extractives of Pseudomonas fluorescens stimulated of plant growth and inhibited of disease development at the planting treatment by mixture with Planryz at the vegetation.
The results of studies of the applying Planriz (based on bacteria strains Pseudomonas fluorescens AP-33) with Ridomil Gold improved the commercial quality and yield of potato tubers in 4 districts of Lviv region, which differ in their soil and climatic conditions: Zone of West Polesie and Western Forest Steppe, Carpathians and the Carpathian Foothills in two planting dates have been shown. The increase of productivity, a large amount of marketable tubers (average marketability of tubers rated from 85.2 % versus 76.8 %) under the combined using of Planriz and Ridomil Gold (2,0 + 2,5 l/ha) on average, reducing the number of diseased and small tubers were observed.
Key words: commercial quality, productivity, potatoes, fungicides, biologics preparations.
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