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Evaluation of durum winter wheat varieties by growth and development indicators

The article presents the study results of the formation of growth and development indicators (growing season length of plants, plant height, density dynamics, ear parameters and grain yield) of domestic varieties of durum winter wheat. It is analyzed that the level of the signs manifestation varies signifcantly depending on the weather conditions of the growing season. However, the growing season duration hardly depend on weather conditions and is 268–269 days. In the full ripeness stage, the height of plants increased 1.4–1.8 times in comparison with earing with insignifcant variation (V=1–5 %) depending on the variety. The lowest plants were Athena, Continent and Laguna – 71–76 cm. Uneven precipitation distribution and high air temperature in 2013 contributed to the formation of fewer stems of durum winter wheat plants compared to more favourable 2014. In the full ripeness stage of durum winter wheat grain in 2013, the coefcient of total tillering was 1.01–1.26 depending on the variety. In 2014, the stem density was the highest. In the full ripeness stage of grain, the number of stems ranged from 650 to 812 pcs/m2 depending on the variety with a total tillering rate of 1.54–1.91. It should be noted that Athena and Linkor varieties retained a higher ability to tillering and stem survival in different weather conditions. The ear length of winter durum wheat varied from 5.9 to 6.7 cm depending on the variety with slight and small variation (V=3–16 %). The number of spikelets in the ear was from 16 to 20 pcs with a small variation coefcient. The ear length of durum winter wheat varied most. Thus, of the nine varieties, the variation coefcient of this indicator in six varieties was average, and in the rest of them - small. However, there was no signifcant difference between the varieties. The highest yields were formed by Argonaut, Gardemaryn and Linkor varieties – 6.00–6.31 t/ha or 13–19 % more than the standard. Grain yield varied signifcantly depending on the weather conditions of the growing season, which is also evidenced by the stability index and was below 1 (0.48–0.64). Less favourable weather conditions in 2013 provided the yield of 3.74–4.63 t/ha depending on the variety. More favourable weather conditions in 2014 provided the grain yield of 5.46–8.25 t/ha depending on durum winter wheat variety. It is obvious that the positive effect of weather conditions in 2014 on tillering and stem survival of winter durum wheat determined the formation of higher grain yield.

Key words: durum winter wheat, variety, growth and development indicators, yield.


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