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Impact of the red clover growing techniques on its forage value
These are the research findings for the forage value of the red clover (leaf and stalk) and barley (grain + straw) depending on the cover crop stand, cultivation and fertilization. We had a goal set to find the forage value of Darunok red clover cultivar depending on the techniques of growing it in Central Polesia zone. The experiments were conducted in 2007-2009 in the experimental field of the Zhytomyr National University for Agricultural and Environmental Studies. The nutritional analysis was made in the Forage Evaluation and Feeds Laboratory at the Institute of Forage NAAS Ukraine. As a result, the highest fodder contribution by the one-year-old red clover to reflect the yield of barley grain + raw was supplied when using a no-till drill and 6.23 t/ha of fertilizers with 3.8 mln/ha stand of cover crop. The number of fodder units was noticed to decrease by 3.8 t/ha in the no-cover scenario. The highest fodder and digestible protein contribution was supplied by the red clover for 3 growth years in the fertilized (without cover) drill-only scenario. Those two scenarios supplied in total 12.1 t/ha of fodder units and 1.72 t/ha of digestible protein in the second growth year with two harvests. The one-year-old stand supplied the highest digestible protein contribution (1.72 t/ha) when sown without cover and fertilized. The contribution of digestible protein by the one-year-old red clover was 0.21 t/ha (without fertilizers) and 0.32 t/ha N60P60K60. It is to be noted that the two- and three-year-olds supplied the highest (1.54 and 0.75 t/ha) contribution in the no-fertilizer scenario regardless of the cultivation method with the cover crop stand of 1.25 mln plants per hectare. Under control (without cover), the digestible protein contribution increased to 1.50–1.75 t/ha when fertilized regardless of the cultivation method. The lowest digestible protein contribution (0.52–0.59 t/ha) was supplied by the three-year-old red clover in the no-fertilizer scenario with the cover crop stand of 5 mln plants per hectare.
In the first year of life of plants, the quality of the feed unit was high on varieties of uncovered red clover and made irrespective of the cultivation of soil and fertilizer 126.5-131.7 g. Under different norms of sowing barley, as a cover culture, the supply of a feed unit of a compatible herb with digestible protein ranged from 71.7 to 91.4 g, which is well below the norm. The quality of the red clover grass of the raucous first and second years of use depended, first of all, on the fertilization and seeding of the cover crop. Thus, in the first year of use (the second year of growth), the content of digestible protein in the fodder unit of the red clover in the fertilized areas was in both methods of soil cultivation of 137.3-141.4 g, which is 7.2-8.5 g more compared with option without fertilizer. Nutrition in the second year of use (the third year of life) was the best and was in the range of 147.5 (without fertilizers) to 160.0 g (N60P60K60) digestible protein.
Key words: red clover, barley, crop stand, harvest, fodder unit, digestible protein.
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