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Seeds treatment as a green and efficient way of sugar beet sprouts protection
The national beet sugar production stabilization is essential to meet the needs of the national food and export potential. Ukrainian breeders M.V. Royik, A.M. Makogon, L.M. Chemyrys, V.I. Vlasyuk, V.M. Bulin, F.M. Pariy and others have created hybrids which are not inferior, and in many cases exceed the foreign ones by the genotype. Their better preparation for seed sowing result in the production benefits. It is characterized by large diversity in quality caused by hereditary characteristics, the nature of fruit formation, the biological characteristics and conditions of the pericarp growth and development, harvesting, seeds pre-treatment and post-harvest storage, significantly affecting the quality of the seed and its productive properties.
V.A. Doronin, N.V. Busol, V.M. Balan and others studied the issue, but some aspects regarding the abilities of the PS lines evaluation capacity, O-types and polyspermous pollinators grow under low temperature, their resistance to pests and diseases and improvement of the seeds preparation for sowing have not been studied profoundly yet.
Soil and climate conditions of the beet belt of Ukraine generally correspond to biological properties of beets, but pests and diseases and moisture deficit in April in some years inhibits germination significantly, and the moisture deficit in April-May harms the normal growth and development of plants that can significantly reduce the overall performance and reduce the sugar yield per hectare. Early sowing results in efficient use of autumn and winter soil moisture reserves, though widespread adoption of early sowing is associated with the risk of stems and seeds in the first year of life ("botlers"), which reduces the yield, complicates beets harvesting and processing.
Sugar beet productivity depends on many factors: soil and climate conditions, high-performance hybrids introduction, high-quality pre-treatment of seeds, use of modern techniques and technologies, fertilizers, reliable plant protection, sugar processing latest technologies in enterprises, etc. All of these factors can significantly reduce the productivity of sugar beet. A lack of reliable protection of plants during the growing season or inefficient protection against pests can destroy beet crops partially or completely.
The most efficient way to protect sugar beet sprouts against pests and diseases is to breed tolerant hybrids. The most common agrotechnical methods are cultivation, crop rotation observance, sprouts spraying with insecticides and fungicides during the growing season and the introduction of granular protective drugs in the soil. But the most environmentally friendly and efficient way is crops toxication with insecticides and fungicides inclusion into drageed and incrusted mixture in pre-sowing preparation.
The study was conducted during 2012-2013 Verhnyatsk ESS of the Institute for Crops Bioenergy and Sugar Beet of NAAS, Cherkassy ETS "Institute of Agriculture" of NAAS and Archie Ltd, Vinnytsia region.
Our research has found that crops protective chemical pesticides contact with soil the least under at sowing drageed seeds incrusted with protective drugs. The total contact area, depending on the seeding norm is around 7.03-8.04 m2 per hectare of sugar beet, with introducing 444 m2 granular agents into the soil, and 10,000 m2 for crops spraying. That is, the greenest way to protect sugar beet sprots is sowing seeds treated with protective agents.
40 % of the yield was damaged by weevil in Cherkassy agricultural research station under sowing drageed seed treated with Magna Force composition; 20 % of crops with the damage score of less than 1 (5 % leaf surface destroyed) was damaged under treating with mixture of Kruizer (60 g of active agent per sow area) + Force (8 g of active agent per sow area), while 80 % of the yield was damaged in the control with the damage score was of 3, that is 25 % leaf area was destroyed.
In the experiments conducted in Archie Ltd. about 30 % of crops were weevils damaged, 32 % were wireworm damaged and 24.1 % of crops died in the control. The seeds treatment with Force Magna composition resulted in minor pests damage. The yield of the seeds treated with Kruizer+Force (60 + 8 g of active agent per sow area) composition was almost not damaged with weevil or wireworms.
Key words: raw selection materials, O-type line, sugar beet, pests and diseases, sprouts, protective agents, seed, chemical pesticides.
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