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The yield and quality of winter wheat varieties in organic production
To obtain high yields of winter wheat high-productive and high-quality varieties that provide the food needs of the population should be carefully selected. Recognized varieties grown under traditional technology change their productivity under organic production. The aim of this study is to investigate the quality and yield of winter wheat and choose the varieties that are better adapted to growing in organic production.
Nine varieties of winter wheat were studied in experimental station of organic production Skvyra IAES NAAS During 2014–2015: Stolychna, Poliska 90, Pustovarivka, Myronivska 65, Podolianka, Lukullus, Lybid, Charodiika Bilotserkivska, Vidrada. The study was conducted in corn-tilled crop rotation; buckwheat was the pre-crop of winter wheat. Analysis of weather conditions during the vegetation over the years of research showed extremely high diversity of moisture and temperature distribution.
The main elements of crop structure for winter wheat are the ear length, number of grains in the ear, weight of 1000 grains and others. Each of these elements, depending on growing conditions, can be changed that in accordance with its influence on the size of the yield.
Our research has established that varietal characteristics influence the formation of the main indicators of winter wheat ears productivity. Plant height varied within 88.5–98.7 cm, ear length – 6.8–10.6 cm, the number of grains in the ear – 26.2–31.1 pieces. By the indicator “the length of the ear” the varieties Poliska 90 (10.6 cm) and Stolychna (10.3 cm) were distinguished. Varieties Stolychna, Poliska 90, Lukullus had the largest number of grains in the ear (31.1, 30.9, 30.7 pcs respectively).
In the structure of winter wheat one of the important indicators is the number of productive stems per area. The varieties Podolianka (656 pcs/m2), Lukullus (612 pcs/m2), Vidrada (607 pcs/m2) had high values of this index. Variety Poliska 90 both in 2014 and in 2015 yrs had the lowest number of productive stems (4910 pcs/m2 on average over two years of study).
The variety of Poliska 90 winter wheat formed the highest 1000 grain weight in terms of experimental station –
44.4 grams, which is 5.3–11.1 % higher than other varieties on average for 2014–2015.
In terms of organic farming Stolychna variety provided the largest grain yield – 4.8 t/ha, which is 2.9–17.4 % higher than other varieties, the yield of this variety during the investigation was 4.4 and 5.1 t/ha. Among other varieties, studied for two years of research, Podolianka, Pustovarivka and Myronivska 65 were had higher productivity (4.7, 4.6, 4.6 t/ha, respectively). As to the other studied varieties of winter wheat (Lybid, Charodiika Bilotserkivska and Poliska 90), they formed yield within 4,0-4,1 t/ha.
Characteristics of winter wheat are not only limited by grain yield index; one of the most important criteria is its quality. Reduced protein content (less than 10 % for forage wheat) indicates suboptimal use of nitrogen.
Varieties of Stolychna, Pustovarivka, Podolianka, Lybid had a protein content less than 10 % (9.8; 9.7; 9.4; 9.5 % respectively), indicating a weak ability to use nitrogen from the soil and the need to fertilize soil (which is contrary to principles of organic farming). Variety Lukullus was characterized by the highest protein content in all years of the study (11.1 %). Weather conditions influenced the accumulation of protein as well as features of a variety.
Protein content in winter wheat grain ranged within 9.8–11.5 % in 2014 and 7.9–10.8 % in 2015. Variety Lukullus can also be distinguished by the gluten content in grain (18.3 %), other varieties on this indicator varied within 14.8-17.0 % and depended greatly on climatic conditions. Lukullus was the best (11.1 %, 18.3 % and 814 g/l) from the 9 varieties of winter wheat regarding grain quality (protein, gluten and grain nature).
In terms of organic production one should grow winter wheat varieties that provide not only high yields but quality grain as well. Based on the studies, we can recommend to farms that produce organic products to sow winter wheat variety Lukullus that provides a sufficient level of grain yield and is well adapted to specific soil and climatic conditions.
Key words: yield, winter wheat, crop structure, variety, organic production, grain quality.
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