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The creation of rustic tobacco collection in Western Ukraine
Rustic tobacco (Nicotiana Rustica L.) is an annual plant of the Solanaceae (nightshade) family, its stem is straight, rounded, with side shoots up to 1-1.5 m. The structure of the root system depends on the cultivation technique. If plants are grown from seeds, taproots are more likely to grow. Seedling growing technique leads to more developed lateral root system.
Roots synthesize nicotine, which later accumulates in leaves. Tobacco leaves are with petiole, their shape varies, but the most common is the round-heart-shaped, with a blunt tip and wrinkled surface.
The tobacco plant height is an important feature which should be taken into consideration while creating the feature collection for productive characteristics of vegetative mass, and it also plays an important role in the formation of generative traits and display of quantitative and qualitative indicators. The plant height ranges from 30-80 cm, with some varieties having higher indicators. An important feature is that in almost all kinds of tobacco is their petiole leaves which range from 3 to 9 cm.
The most valuable varieties are those that are characterized by high energy growth and in-time flowering. Significant difference in the number of clusters in an inflorescence has been recorded in the best tobacco samples, their number ranging from 31 to 230 pieces.
Special attention was paid to the impact of the growing period on cluster setting and maturation. The studies revealed that short-term formation of vegetative mass is closely related with high seed productivity.
In order to create a tobacco collection, attention should be paid to a number of aspects which are important in adaption of the samples of different ecological and geographical origin. First of all, we should pay attention to seed formation as germinating power is a very important factor. As a result there has been identified a number of samples which do not bloom in Western Ukraine, or are not able to produce viable seeds. Another important aspect is assessment of vegetation period. In Western Ukraine, most samples have a short vegetation period and it is not possible to obtain the necessary vegetative mass. The next aspect to be considered is adaptation assessment in case of different technological application. During the last decade, tobacco moved into the category of plants that need watering. The purpose of these studies is not only to collect valuable samples of rustic tobacco, to support their viability, but also to identify those samples that would ensure vegetative mass productivity in case of using organic farming techniques.
During the study a group of high productivity varieties was identified, in which the number of clusters in an inflorescence comprised at least 100 pcs, and the plants had more than 10 leaves on the stem, which was at least 25 cm high and 20 cm wide. In a relatively short period of sample screening we selected the best varieties (Cigar, AC 18/7, Bakun chorny), which can be grown to produce the smoking raw material with high nicotine content for the army. As to the generative capacity, the most productive varieties were those with high stems, average vegetation period and large and medium-sized inflorescences
(Nihilovska, Yellow-106 and Enchseyska).
For the period of 2011-2015, 39 tobacco samples were collected. They were given by both the people who live in tobacco-growing areas in Ukraine and Ukrainian amateur collectors who have links with international gene bank collections.
The weather conditions during 2011-2015 were characterized by extreme dryness and periods of unstable humidity which affected the adaptation of the tobacco varieties to the conditions of low humidification in May-July and needed watering.
Key words: rustic tobacco, feature, productivity, variety sample value.
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