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Application of different planting schemes in potato production in southern Polissia zone
The article reviews the results of the research carried out in Nemishaieve village on the research fields of the Institute for potato research NAAS of Ukraine (50°32'13.9"N 30°04'48.5"E) and the analysis of the agrotechnological techniques in potato production. The article provides the statistical data of the annual potato consumption varying from 40 to 175 kg in the leading potato country-producers such as the USA – 60, France – 80, England – 99, Japan – 105, Russia – 127, Ukraine – 139, Belarus – 175 kg respectively. According to the gross production rate, Ukraine ranks fourth in the world, but according to the yield capacity (12-17 t/ha) ranks fiftieth in the world. The attention is paid to the indicators of the optimal conditions for both stems and root systems that require sufficient soil fertility and layout of tubers at planting. Some authors draw attention to raw density up to 95,000 pcs/ha, where the yield of seed fractions of tubers increased and the yield capacity increased by 7 %. The schemes of planting density are the following 70 x 15, 70 х 20, 80 х 20 cm.
Levelling of both planting density and tuber weight is one of the ways to obtain the desired tuber size, but each variety and individual fraction of plant material require corresponding planting density rate.
The optimal leaf-area is from 35,000 to 40,000 m2/ha.
It has been established that the growth of assimilation leaf surface is directly dependent on potato feeding area, which is larger than the standard one in case of wide-row planting.
According to the results of the three-year research, conducted in 2011-2013, it was proved that potato feeding area was in the range from 0.14 to 0.28 m2/bush. It has been established that inter-row spacing influences the potato feeding area. The results obtained indicate that potato planting using combined row spacing of 85 x 75 cm compared to control row spacing width of 70 x 70 cm contributes to the feeding area increase from 0.156 m2/bush in case of Yavir variety up to 0.179 m2/bush or by 8.5 %.
It was established that the largest assimilation surface growth was achieved in the option with combined row spacing of
85 x 75 cm. The value of this indicator in Serpanok variety in 2011 amounted to 0.75 m2/bush, which is 0.1 m2/bush more than the control of 70 x 70 cm. In case of Yavir variety the assimilation surface per potato bush is larger than the control one by
0.19 m2/bush. It has been proved that the best leaf apparatus growth in potato plants is observed with combined row spacing due to more favourable conditions for feeding, humidity and sunlight, and at the same time potato yield increases.
The research proved that the increase in the row width (feeding area) from 70 х 70 cm to a combined one of 85 х 75 cm and the use of tractor tires of 39.4 cm and 24.1 cm provide a significant increase in potato yield capacity. The advantage of the combined row width was clearly observed in 2011 in both varieties, where the increase in the yield in terms of the options of the experiment was the following: in case of Yavir variety it was 10.5 t/ha, and in Serpanok variety – 7.8 t/ha.
It has been established that during three years of the research the option with combined row spacing of 85 x 75 cm and the tire width of 24.1 cm had the highest values as to both yield and output of seed fraction tubers. The actual average potato yield in Yavir variety was 31.7 t/ha, and in Serpanok variety 34.7 t/ha which is more that the control one with row width of 70 x 70 cm by 5.8 and 6.6 t/ha.
The yield of seed fraction of tubers in the option with combined inter-row spacing of 85 x 75 cm and the size of tractor tires of 24.1 cm has increased in Yavir variety by 3.6 t/ha, and in Serpanok variety by 3.7 t/ha during the research period.
It has been proved that the use of extended inter-row spacing makes it possible to increase the plant feeding area and the formation of assimilation leaf surface and provides increased potato yields and yield of seed fraction tubers.
Key words: potato, plant nutrition area, assimilation leaf surface, row spacing, combined inter-row spacing, potato yield rate.
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