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Annual oat and leguminous mixes performance and food value depending on growing technology under the conditions of Ukrainian Polissya
Increased production of feed and feed protein by selecting the species composition and their mixes allows to increase the yield of mixed collection of high-protein products for animal husbandry, to improve the organization of the greenery production line in the summer, to improve soil fertility and optimize the structure of sown areas. Quality feed provision affects the level of livestock performance and the products competitiveness in the market. However, in recent years, feed protein shortage is 25-30 %
or about 1.9 million tonnes, which demands a new approach and significant changes in the fodder base formation.
On the basis of the field research conducted we have found out a high performance and quality of sowing oats and leguminous mixes, depending on fertilization and the species composition of the bean component. Thus, according to the results of dispersion analysis, phytocoenosis was of the most significant impact on the mixes performance and its share was 57 %, the fertilizers share in the yield amount was 40 % and the rest accounted for their combination and other factors.
Applying fertilizers contributed significantly to the increase of green mass productivity and its forage characteristics. In the variant without fertilizing the difference between the green mass yield in the mixes and pure oat sowing was 3.4-21.1 t/ha. However, in the variant with applying mineral fertilizers along with off-root fertilizers the lowest yield was noted in the mix of oats with fodder beans and ornithopus.
This is due to the fact that in these mixes oat plants with their more developed root system and faster growth responded to fertilizing better and, as a result, inhibited to some extent the growth and development of bean component. It has been established that applying fertilizers at the rate of N60P60K60 provided the yield increase to 12.8-23.6 t/ha regardless of agrophytocenoses type. Additional LCD applying (Rost concentrate liquid complex fertilizer -: N5P5K5 + S + Mg + Fe + Cu + Mn + B + Zn + Mo + Co) increased the yield of green mass for another 0,8-5,7 t/ha.
Annual mixes can provide from 27.9 to 53.6 t/ha of green mass under N60P60K60+ LCD fertilization under conditions of light gray lightloamy forest soils of Zhytomyr Polissya. Winter pea and oat mix with the yields over 50 t/ha of green mass and 12 t/ha of dry matter turned out to be the best one. The content of crude protein in 1 kg of green fodder regardless of fertilization made 30,5-31,2 g. This mix provided the highest yield of digestible protein in the organic mineral fertilizer variant of 1.29 t/ha, which is 0,78 t/ha higher compared with oats single-species sowing. Herewith, a feed unit contained 153-155 grams of digestible protein.
Crude protein and fat content in the dry matter are the most important indicators characterizing the quality of the feed mass. The increase of crude fiber in the dry matter affects the digestibility of green feed in the ruminants. Yet, crude protein reduces in the feed since there is an inversely proportional dependence between the abovementioned components. The analysis showed that crude protein content was the highest in the tare-oat mix dry matter – 129,9-133,6 g/kg. However, dry matter content decreased along with fertilization rate increase, and thus crude protein content in green mass decrease was revealed in the fertilized areas compared with the variant without fertilization.
Thus, protein content ranged in the control from 21.5 to 31.2 g/kg of green mass, while in the variant of N60P60K60+ LCD fertilization the figure decreased by 0.4-0.7 g/kg of green mass. The research results also indicate a high value of dry weight of plants in the phase of legumes flowering. Crude protein level in the mixes made 114-134, crude fiber – 319-350, crude ash – 42-60 g/kg of dry matter.
We have out found that the change in dry matter content in the plants affect the total dry matter yield and total yield of nutrients in forage agrophytocenoses. It is found out that feed units yield increased proportionally relative to the output of dry matter. Studying the mixes has shown that the dry matter yield in the variant without fertilization ranged from 3.17 to 7.44 t/ha, which is 0.88-5.15 t/ha more than that in a single-species sowing. Dry matter yield increased by 2.11-5.42 t/ha under adding different levels of fertilizers.
Adding fertilizers has also increased the yield of feed units by 1.47-2.90 t/ha, and in the organo-mineral supply variant (N60P60K60 + LCD) the increase was 1.7-13.4 % compared with the N60P60K60 fertilization variant.
Herbage yields of oats and tare with lupine was respectively 45.1 and 52.1 t/ha and that with ornithopus beans and fodder legumes made 30.3 and 27.9 t/ha. The highest content of feed units in 100 kg of dry matter was noted under growing oats with Olympus narrow-leaved species of lupine – 67.0-68.5 regardless of fertilizing variant.
Key words: annual mixes, sowing oat, spring vetch, winter pea, blue lupine, beans forage ornithopus, fertilization, yield, quality.
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