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The state of protective street green belts in the residential and transport zone in Bila Tserkva

The complex system of the green space in Bila Tserkva was formed in the 50s-90s of the 20th century, but still the green belt coverage of the general use is three times less than the norms require. At present, the single-row and multi-row protective forest stands of the linear configuration grow along the main streets of the town’s residential area – 50th anniversary of Victory Boulevard, Levanevsky Street, etc. The silvicultural and taxation characteristics of the state and development of the main tree species in these green stands, the influence of a number of factors have been determined. Apart from the increased vehicular traffic pollution rate of the above-mentioned streets, the state of the green belt is aggravated by the damage of its plant and soil covers caused by trampling, asphalt or paving slab covering, construction activities, and direct mechanical injuries of the trees. The direct link between the green belt degradation rate and the afore-mentioned harmful activities has been identified.

The sanitary state and vitality of the trees depend on the species, species peculiarities, and forest stand structure. The sanitary state of Tilia cordata Mill. and Quercus robur L. pyramidal variety worsens while approaching the road. It was established that two – and especially three-tiered stands, consisting of several species, are more resistant to the unfavourable factors due to the different viability rates in various species. In the residential and transport areas under study, T. platyphyllos Scop. is the most stable; Quercus robur L., Q. robur v. pyramidal, Fraxinus viridis Micha, Populus pyramidalis L., P. bolleana L., T. cordata, Ulmus laevis Pall. are relatively stable; Acer platanoides L., Aesculus hippocastanum L. are medium resistant; Gleditschia triacanthos L. and Robinia pseudacacia L.  are unstable.

The green belts suffer a lot due to the mechanical load near "The Covered Market" situated in 50th anniversary of Victory Boulevard. R. Pseudacacia located in the first tier has been degrading. T. cordata and ripe P. bolleana trees in the mixed deciduous plantation located in the area close to the secondary school №7 and cafe "Mon City" are in the severely weakened state. A. platanoides and Q. robur v. pyramidal which grow in the second tier and are oppressed by the wood tent look rather weakened. Only T. cordata demonstrated a worse state in the green rows nearest to the road. P. pyramidalis and
A. hippocastanum are healthy.

By decreasing the crown density rate in the 1st tier it is possible to create the following range: P. pyramidalis (56.1 %),
A. platanoides (42.9 %), P. bolleana (40.7 %); the second tier comprises A. platanoides (58.3 %), A. hippocastanum (55.0 %), T. cordata (53.0 %), Q. robur v. pyramidal (49.2 %). P. pyramidalis dominates in the relative crown height (92 %), P. bolleana (83 %) is inferior. These species form the best crown fencing (with the height up to 18 m) that protects from the noise and chemical pollution caused by motor vehicles. The lower part of the phytocenosis is closed by the second-tier trees (with the crown height up to 7 m) and third-tier trees (up to 3 m). All the tiers are partly overlapping each other.

Under the moderate mechanical load conditions, the first-tier green stands consisting of A. hippocastanum in combination with oak, acer, poplar that grow in 50th anniversary of Victory Boulevard close to the hotel "Ros" and “Nova Poshta LLC” office have been degrading. 40 % of the Q. robur v. pyramidal trees perished in the rows nearest to the road. A. platanoides trees have been weakened, A. hippocastanum trees have been severely weakened. P. pyramidalis trees in almost ripe age are healthy. By increasing the crown density rate from 52 to 72 % these species make up the following range: A. platanoides,
A. hippocastanum,
Q. robur v. pyramidal, P. pyramidalis. Oak and chestnut are slightly inferior to poplar pyramidal in their relative crown length – 75 and 72 % respectively.

More than half of all the trees in 50th Anniversary of Victory Boulevard have mechanical damages of the trunks with the injury area of 35 to 1,200 cm2 on the height level of 0.5 to 1.7 m. Most (72 %) injured trees are located in the area close to the market and other outlets, slightly less (67 %) number of the injured trees are near the school №7 and even fewer (55 %) at moderately loaded area of the Boulevard (between the hotel "ROS" and “Nova Poshta LLC”). Grass trampling rates to the soil mineral layer in these areas are as follows: intense effect – 5.2 %, average – 1.5 % and moderate – 1.3 %. In Levanevsky Street, green space trampling  by making paths is 3 %, dirtiness – 5 %, sodding in the air gaps of the tent 100 %, 25 % of all the trees have mechanical injuries.

Key words: protective street green belts, Bila Tserkva, residential and transport urban area, forest stand structure, green belt damage.


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