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Retardants influence on the content of different forms of carbohydrates in potato plants

The assimilates movement speed and direction is determined by the formative processes in a plant’s organism. That’s why it was the changing of structure of the compounds are transported from the leaves and are reused in growth zones and storing tissues in the plants ontogenesis. The periods of the potato tuber formation and intensive growth influence the regulation of assimilates movement. The potato tubers differ from other acceptors as the processes of new storing cells formation, their growth and starch hoarding simultaneously takes for a long time, however there is the advantage of a process at different stages of growth there. The literature presents only a few and inconsistent data on the effect of growth regulators of the inhibition type on the carbohydrate metabolism in potato plants in ontogenesis. So the purpose of our research was to investigate the influence of dekstrel and paklobutrazol on accumulation and redistribution of carbohydrates in potato plants.

Donors and acceptors form a self-regulating system of the plant. Increasing of the attraction ability of the acceptor zones causes to increase photosynthetic carbon fixation, photosynthetic productivity, particle of the transport forms (sucrose) and outflow of assimilates of plants leaves. Leaves as photosynthetic organs are donors of the assimilates and growth processes, trophic support and storing organs are the acceptors of the assimilates in potato plants. The formation of tubers and accumulation of starch in potatoes are related processes. The main metabolite arriving from leaves to tubers is sucrose, which is easily used in the synthesis of starch, protein, fiber. We have found out that potato treatment plants with dekstrel and paklobutrazol caused redistribution of different forms of carbohydrate between the organs of plants. Retardants caused the increase of the content of the main transport form of sugars – sucrose-in the leaves of test plants compared with controls.

Leaves growth depends on the photosynthetic products coming from the outside in the early stages of ontogenesis, but the leaves photosynthesis ability to increase in the process of their development. The sucrose content in leaves increases with their growth, and they become a source of sucrose for other organs. The research of the dynamics of carbohydrate content in plants potato of Nevska varieties indicates the retardants influence on the inhibition of shoot growth accompanied with changes in the amounts of these compounds in the plant. A significant intense of growth a increase of the sucrose content in leaves under the influence of retardants was observed. During the period of flowering the sucrose content in leaves dekstrel increased by 5%. In this period acceleration of movement of carbohydrates from the leaves to the tubers, accompanied by an increasing of the sucrose content in tubers was observed.

Studying the starch content in tubers during the growing season shows an increase of this indicator within the time, but plants tubers treated with a retardant are characterized by lower starch content compared with the control. In the second half of vegetation period potato tubers in the variants with retardants treatment grew more intensively and there was reduction of starch assimilation content in the leaves in the variant of 0,025% paklobutrazol treatment was observed because of outflow increasing to the tubers. At the end of the research the starch content in the stems in a variant with 0,025% paklobutrazol treatment did not differ significantly from the control. In all experiment variants at the end of the study there was an outflow of assimilates not only the leaves, but in the roots as well. This was indicated by lower sucrose content and the amount of sugar in leaves, which was accompanied by increase of the total sugar amount content in tubers. it could indicate the increase of the carbohydrate outflow to attraction centers.

Therefore, potato plants treatment by retardants causes redistribution of various forms of carbohydrate between plants organs. The increase of the main transport form of sugars – sucrose compared to the control in the leaves of experimental plants at the early stages of development was determined.

Key words: Solanum tuberosum L, retardants, dextrel, paklobutrazol, carbohydrates.



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