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Prospects of Kharkov region agriculture in the production of biofuels

The article discusses the possibility of the Kharkiv region for growing and processing of sugar beet and rape to produce more environmentally alternative fuels - ethanol and biodiesel.

Ukraine has a significant level of anthropogenic load. Under these conditions, optimizing the environment is strategic and urgent task for the state. One of the most important aspects of its solution is the transition from fossil fuels into alternative sources.

The agrarian sector of Ukraine can be considered as a promising energy supplier through the cultivation and processing of crops, which is a source of biomass. It is interesting to experience fuels biomass for car. Transportation is a powerful consumer of traditional fuels and the most powerful source of air pollution.

A positive example of bioenergy technologies is the use of rapeseed oil. It can successfully replace diesel for tractors, automobiles, ships and so on. Biodiesel is incompletely environmentally friendly. Thus, the combustion of biodiesel reduces by 8-10 % allotment of carbon monoxide, nearly 50 % soot and significantly less sulfur. It is only because of the high oxygen content products of its combustion contain about 10 % more nitrogen oxide than petroleum diesel fuel. Biodiesel fuel has certain technical advantages over diesel, although some drawbacks, including reduced capacity by 6.8 %. In case of contact with soil or water biodiesel for 25-30 days, is almost completely decomposed and does not harm the environment. Rape can be grown in the fields of irrigation, in the contaminated territories by the addition of radionuclides.

Lately methyl and ethyl alcohols are used as a source of fuel. Bioethanol is a mixture of gasoline and ethanol. Ethanol is formed with containing sugar plants during the fermentation. Ethanol is brought to 100% strength remove residual water. Even adding 10% ethanol reduces greenhouse gases, carbon monoxide by 20%. Ukraine plans to produce bioethanol at the ethanol plants and sugar mills. This will help in the 2013-14 biennium to reopen the 34 enterprises of alcohol industry, particularly in the Kharkiv region. The raw materials for bioethanol production in Ukraine will use molasses and other sugar beet production intermediates. The best variant is the production of sugar and ethanol in one company.

It was converted for the production of bioethanol distillery plant in w. Ivashki of the Kharkiv region. The production capacity of the plant is 21000000 liters alcohol or 60000 liter per day, it is needed to produce 7.3 tons of raw material. The company enables annually additionally get almost 20 tons automotive fuel. The Kharkiv region grew 875.6 thousand tons of sugar beets. It can be obtained approximately 30.65 tons of molasses and to produce 91.95 tons of ethanol. It fully covers the needs of the plant for raw materials and creates opportunities for expansion of the industry within the region.

Rapeseed production in Ukraine is export-oriented. The Kharkiv region produced to 10.1 thousand tons in 2011. Of these materials it could be obtained about 3.4 tons of biodiesel.

Features of the Kharkiv region in raising sugar beet allow to use three of its processing plants and mutually adjust fuel ethanol volume and sugar. This will increase the number of jobs, reduce distance transport of sugar beet, and expand acreage of sugar beet to reducing social tensions in the region. Sugar beet is a valuable crop in the rotation. Implementation of the state program on the use of biofuels would help to expand the cultivation of this crop, normalizing rotation and providing better soil conditions.

Thus, modern agricultural production within the Kharkiv region creates a very promising environment for development of alternative energy.

Key words: bioethanol, biodiesel, molasses, sugar beet, rape.



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