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Productivity and technological qualities of sugar beet different biological forms
One of the urgent tasks of experimental biology is the disclosure of the nature of internal factors determining the level of plant organism productivity, its ability to use the environmental conditions the most efficiently.
This problem turns particularly topical due to the success of biological selection science in creating a high yielding forms of plants and their biologically and economically valuable properties. i.e. high content in nutrients, high technological qualities of the roots.
Plant breeders have made the new hybrids on the basis of Ch.S on both diploid and triploid genome levels.
The productivity potential of these hybrids is: yield – 55.0–65.0 t/ha, sugar content – 17–18 % and sugar yield – 9.12 t/ha. Yet, the comparative assessment of productivity and technological qualities of various biological forms, namely new diploid and triploid hybrids of sugar beet has not been carried out.
The research aimed at comparative assessment of roots productivity and technological qualities of various biological forms, namely new diploid and triploid hybrids of sugar beet.
Experiments on studying potential productivity of domestic sugar beet hybrids were carried out during 2010-2014 under conditions of unstable humidity on the experimental field of the Institute of Bioenergetic Crops and Sugar Beet in "Salyvinky" farm of Kyiv region.
It was established that the growth and development of sugar beet hybrids of different biological forms during the growing season was nearly the same, the sprouts germination was even which provided the recommended density of crops stand. Observing the dynamics of growth and development of the sugar beet diploid and triploid plants has showed that the intensity of their growth in the initial period was nearly the same.
The average yield of sugar beets diploid forms was 59.6 t/ha, triploid ones was 58.9 t/ha in 2011–2014. The was no significant difference in this indicator depending on biological forms of beets. The roots yield changed in the years depending on the hybrid. Thus, in 2011–2012 the highest yield of 60.5 and 63.2 t/ha had Vesto diploid hybrid, in 2013 the highest yield of 62.1 t/ha was in Bulava diploid hybrid, and in 2014 it was in diploid hybrid Ukrainian ChS 72 (62.1 t/ha).
Technological qualities of sugar beet roots are the complex of biological, physical and chemical features, which determine the origin of the technological processes at the enterprise and the crystal white sugar output. The main indicator of sugar beet roots technological quality is sucrose content.
The average for four years sugar content in sugar beet roots of diploid and triploid biological forms was almost equal and amounted to 17.4 % and 17.5 %.
The final evaluation under the sugar beet processing is a yield of sugar per area unit, which is directly dependent on the roots yield and sugar content. Since the research has not revealed a substantial increase in the roots yield and sugar content, there was no significant increase in the sugar yield per hectare in both diploid and triploid hybrids.
On average over 4 years the yield of sugar of both biological forms was the same and amounted to 10.25 t/ha. It was not significant fluctuations in hybrids.
Efficient controlling the technological process requires awareness of the quality of the processed raw materials not only in its sugar content but the in nonsugar contents as well as it influences on the storage and processing. The lower is the content of ash elements and alpha amine nitrogen, the higher is the purity of cell sap and the higher is the sugar yield.
With the standards content of 2–3 mmol/100 g of roots, it was 0.7715 mg/100 g, in the roots of diploid hybrids and 0.8353 mg 100 g in triploid ones. The lowest content of alpha amine nitrogen was in the roots of Anichka triploid hybrid, the highest was in Olzhych triploid hybrid.
It is established that the content of soluble or conductometric ash in the roots of both biological forms of sugar beet was the lower than in the permissible norm which is 0.5–0.6 %.
The indicators of technological qualities of domestic sugar beet hybrids fully meet the requirements of sugar producers. All the hybrids have optimal level of conductometric ash alpha amine nitrogen, potassium and sodium. Processing these hybrids on the sugar plants will help to get rather high sugar yields with its minor losses in.
Key words: sugar beet, productivity, technological qualities, diploids, triploids.
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