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Photosynthetic parameters of sugar beet dependence top dressing fertilizers
The results of studies on the leaf surface area of plant photosynthesis and productivity of generated hybrids of sugar beet Anichka, Zluka, Umansky ChS 97 depending on foliar application of fertilizers and chelate forms a combination in the phases of closing leaves of sugar beet in lines and rows are highlighted. It is found out that the use of micronutrients in the phase of closing sheets in a row and again in the closing phase of the leaves in rows forming sheet surface provides investigated hybrids within 38.5-39.8 thousand. m2/ha. The productivity of photosynthesis on average for three years, was within 8.3-9.3 g per m2 per day depending on the hybrid. Carrying out foliar feeding in the corresponding period the growth of productivity photosynthesis in all investigated hybrids.
As the period of intensive development of sugar beet (10.08) we observed leaf surface area of sugar beet of 35.5 thousand. m2/ha, which corresponds to the period of maximum accumulation of sugar beet product of photosynthesis. In Umansky ChS 97 hybrid control of the area in the plant leaves was 31.7-32.1 thousand. m2/ha, but under the application of fertilizers Mono Bor in rows + between rows – 38.4 thousand. m2/ha while using combined Mono Bor + Polysulfide Na in rows + between rows resulted in shaping the leaf surface of plants at the level of 39.7 thousand. m2/ha. In hybrid Anichka, the control of leaf surface area is 31.8-
32.5 thousand. m2/ha, and using fertilizers Polysulfide Na in the two periods resulted in higher leaf area to 38.2 thousand m2/ha. At the same time the use of fertilizers and Mono Bor complex mixture of micronutrients Polysulfide Na + Mono Bor contributed to the increase of leaf apparatus to plant 38.5 and 39.8 thousand. m2/ha respectively. In the hybrid control options for the Zluka been formed 31.7-32.5 thousand m2/ha leaf surface, but similar to other two hybrids maximum values of leaf surface were making a variant combined Mono Bor + Polysulfide Na in rows + between rows – 39.5 thousand. m2/ha.
During the intensive development of sugar beet (10.08), the average level of photosynthetic capacity in the experiment was 0.90 million. m2 days / ha. In the hybrid control options Umansky ChS 97 photosynthetic potential was 0.82-0.83 million m2 days / ha, hybrid Anichka – 0,82-0,85 million m2 days / ha, and hybrid Zluka – 0.82 -0840000 m2 days / ha. The maximum level of photosynthetic capacity was on Mono Bor + Polysulfide Na in the closing phase of leaves in rows + between rows a hybrid Umansky ChS 97 – 0,99 mln m2 days / ha Anichka – 1.00 mln m2 days / ha, Zluka – 0,99 mln. m2 days / ha. Adding fertilizers Mono Bor in closing phase leaves in rows + between rows in the studied hybrids provide indicators of photosynthetic capacity at 0.95, 0.96 and 0.95 mln. m2 days / ha respectively.
In the period of intensive growth of sugar beet (10.08) averages experiment on pure productivity of photosynthesis were 9.55 g dry matter per m2 a day. In control variant net productivity photosynthesis in hybrid Umansky ChS 97 was 9.5 g dry. peq. per m2 letter. fl. per day, Anichka – 9,7-10,0 g dry matter per m2 a day. fl. per night., and hybrid Zluka – 7,5-8,4. For use as a feeding micronutrients Polysulfide Na + Mono Bor in closing phase leaves in rows + between rows a hybrid Umansky ChS 97 was obtained pure performance indicators at 8.3 g dry matter per m2 a day in hybrid Anichka – 9.3 g dry matter per m2 a day, and hybrid Zluka – 9.1.
On the basis of the studies we found out that hybrid Umansky ChS 97 making combined Mono Bor + Polysulfide Na in rows + between rows helped to shape the leaf surface of plants at the level of 39.7 thousand m2/ha. In hybrid Anichka use of fertilizers and Mono Bor complex mixture of micronutrients Polysulfide Na + Mono Bor contributed to the increase of leaf apparatus to plant 38.5 and 39.8 thousand m2/ha, respectively, and a hybrid Zluka similar to two other hybrids maximum exposure area leaf surface were making a variant combined Mono Bor + Polysulfide Na in rows + between rows – 39.5 thousand m2/ha.
It has been found out that the use of micronutrients Polysulfide Na + Mono Bor in closing phase leaves in rows + between rows a hybrid Umansky ChS 97 promotes clean performance at 8.3 g dry matter per m2 a day in hybrid Anichka –
9.3 g dry matter per m2 a day, and hybrid Zluka – 9.1.
Key words: sugar beet, fertilizers, foliar feeding, leaf surface area, photosynthetic potential, net photosynthesis productivity.
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